AnatomyImagesRepliesLast activityActivity
anatomy practice , looking for critique
Looking for feedback on my gestures and anatomy
13 hours ago
anatomy practice , looking for critique
anatomy practice , looking for critique
anatomy practice , looking for critique
Tuesday Morning Figure Drawing Session
I attended my first live figure drawing session in a while yesterday. So happy to have found such an awesome group near me. One 20 minute pose Two 10 minute Three 5 minute and five 1 minute poses
1 day ago
Tuesday Morning Figure Drawing Session
Tuesday Morning Figure Drawing Session
Tuesday Morning Figure Drawing Session
Tuesday Morning Figure Drawing Session
Affinity in use?
does anyone have current experience with digital painting in Affinty products? The last notes are from several years ago.
2 days ago
Rib-Cage Assignment
The rib-cage exercises from the Proko anatomy course.
2 days ago
Rib-Cage Assignment
Rib-Cage Assignment
Rib-Cage Assignment
Rib-Cage Assignment
Pelvis Assignment
These are the practices that I did based on the pelvis videos by Proko, Any suggestion with them will be welcomed!
2 weeks ago
Pelvis Assignment
Pelvis Assignment
Pelvis Assignment
My latest attempt at human anatomy from the figure drawing course
3 weeks ago
My latest attempt at human anatomy from the figure drawing course
My latest attempt at Nicolas portrait
4 weeks ago
My latest attempt at Nicolas portrait
How to know when to move to the next unit in the course
I'm working my way through the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course. I don't expect to perfect any particular step in the course, but I do want to stay long enough to learn what is important. So... how do I know when it's time to move on? I'd love some input on knowing generally how to answer this question, but to make it more specific, I've attached a selection of my work from the first unit (Gesture) of the course. I feel like I'm starting to grasp the ideas, even though I recognize that gesture practice won't stop when I move on to the next unit.
4 weeks ago
How to know when to move to the next unit in the course
Head consruction
Some heads and studies that I did based on the concepts from the Marco Bucci's course about the planes of the head. Any comments on them would be great.
4 weeks ago
Head consruction
Head consruction
Head consruction
Spine assignment
This are my drawings for the spine exercises in the proko anatomy course, any feedback can will be apreciated and taken in to consideration during my deliberate practice.
4 weeks ago
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
Spine assignment
I just want some general advice in what I need improvement on or some critique
1 month ago
Proko Course
In addition with the head course, I started the anatomy course by Stan Prokopenko. here are the activities I worked with this week. Just to clarify, this is like the 3rd or 4th time I'm going through the whole course.
1 month ago
Proko Course
Proko Course
Proko Course
Proko Course
Head construction
I've started the Marco Bucci course on the head this week and I wanted to document my progress, I like to altern work in digital and traditional media. Any comment and critiques will be apreciated.
1 month ago
Head construction
Head construction
Head construction
Head construction
10 Parts of skull Taken from this video , I used loomis as construction guide ^^ Proportions or general critique is highly appreciated ^^
1 month ago
10 Parts of skull
This is the 3rd time I've tried drawing her and every time it looks nothing like the image. I want to know what I'm doing wrong and how I can improve. This is the image I'm referencing and this is the best image out of the 3 ive drawin in my opinion
1 month ago
Timeline of progress
So I’m new to drawing portraits and figured the best way to learn was do the 100 heads challenge and I’m currently on head number 55. I know my drawing definitely looks like A face, but it certainly doesn’t look like the reference. My question is, is that okay for where I am in experience? Or should I be more accurate for having drawn 55 already?
1 month ago
Timeline of progress
Head Construction
I've been working on improving my head drawings, so I followed some tutorials by Michael Hampton. I focused on constructing the head itself without adding facial features, as I wanted to master the basic structure first. However, something still felt off. Any criticism is welcome! Thank you so much for reading!
1 month ago
Head Construction
Head Construction
I just want some general feedback on how I can improve my hand drawings for the future
2 months ago
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
I’ve made some progress! After watching a few videos on measuring portraits and reading about different face drawing methods - I’ve done 15 more heads. I would really love advice and criticism on what to work on next. Only 45-60 are posted due to the attachment limit.
2 months ago
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
Need Advice on Drawing Heads! Help Greatly Appreciated
How come drawing veins isnt really talked about in Proko lessons?
ive watched a few and it seems Stan never really gets into drawing veins other than a mention sometimes, is there a reason like they're too random? and i guess how would i typically go with learning veins?
2 months ago
need help with my portraits drawings
I want to get better at portrait drawing, but everything I draw from imagination looks off somehow. I've been drawing from plaster casts online and pictures of faces online and they turn out fine, if a bit cartoonish and off, but anytime I draw separate from that, it looks strange. Here are two of my drawings, the first is just a bunch of one-line loose face drawings from imagination, and the second is a drawing of an oc
2 months ago
need help with my portraits drawings
need help with my portraits drawings
Does anyone have the old file pack of skully skulls in jpg and png format?
A while back, and I mean a LONG while back, Proko released a free file of skully skull images in jpg and png format. It was great. The skulls were in male and female variation, and in various minute angles. But sadly, I lost my file at some point. I was going to trace over the images in Procreate, adding the muscles -- and then the fat pads -- on top. Would anyone happen to still have this file and be willing to share it?
2 months ago
Anatomy Book
Is there any recommendations for a really good anatomy book? I need further understanding of forearms and back muscles in different positions.
2 months ago
Measurements for bucket
Can someone help me with the measurements of bucket for pelvis? I know that numbers are not gonna be useful for drawing but for me i measure first and visulize it like from the photo I like to know the height and width of the bucket from front, side and top and also how slant it is I hope you can help me Thankyou
3 months ago
Measurements for bucket
Measurements for bucket
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Hello everyone my intent with these drawings was to practice anatomy and I am studying Andrew loomis drawings and the following are the copies of his drawings can anyone give their feedback also my approach with these drawings were that just know about the group of muscles for example simplify the forearm muscles into groups like extensors into whole group(I was overwhelmed with all the muscles in the body and it became tougher for me to draw it)
3 months ago
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
Anatomy study please i need y'all feedback
The HAND of the world
Yesterday, I studied the hand—my nightmare. I mean, I love anatomy; it's amazing to see how the human body moves. But the hand... How can something I use every day be so demonic to draw?
3 months ago
The HAND of the world
Pelvis Drawing
Good Day. Any advice for my drawing of the pelvis? These all came from my imagination. (Except 1)
3 months ago
Pelvis Drawing
Pelvis Drawing
Feedback: Anatomy Greyscale study
I'm studying anatomy right now and tried doing a greyscale study today, how did I do with the figure and light and shadow? Any feedback would be appreciated.
4 months ago
Feedback: Anatomy Greyscale study
Feedback: Anatomy Greyscale study
Figuring drawing progress [June 2024 - Nov 2024]
All of these were timed 5min poses from a picture of a model
4 months ago
Figuring drawing progress [June 2024 - Nov 2024]
Figuring drawing progress [June 2024 - Nov 2024]
Figure drawing from a model
This is a figure drawing from life. Spent around 4 hours on it. This was kind of a hard pose to draw but I think it's important to try and draw different positions of a human figure. It's also very huge. We draw in class on life-size papers so that the figure is around the same/similiar size as the paper. The biggest problem for me and my classmates is to fit the whole figure into that huge paper. Do you have any tips for this?? It's charcoal by the way. I would also be very happy if someone here has some tips on how to actually START drawing the figure on huge formats. The beginning of a huge drawing is always the hardest not only for me.
4 months ago
Figure drawing from a model
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
Most of these are new. maybe a day old.
4 months ago
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
my gesture drawings that i have done. Would love some feedback.
looking for feedback or ccrituqe
4 months ago
looking for feedback or ccrituqe
looking for feedback or ccrituqe
Timed sessions
Some of the drawings with proko’s timed sessions, to keep track of any progress. First image has 2min sessions that I corrected afterwards with pen. Then 5 min sessions with graphite and in the last image I decided to draw directly with pen (5min) then accentuated some lines with a marker. Most of the days I start with those sessions. What a great idea of the Proko team to create these!
5 months ago
Timed sessions
Timed sessions
Timed sessions
are these eyelashes correctly placed?
Just want some help with an image i am working on and i'm having a hard time with these eyelashes. Specificly because i dont know if there correctly placed or not. Would love some help here. Thanks. PS sry for the bad image quality.
5 months ago
are these eyelashes correctly placed?
Need advice on how to remember where to position certain parts of the upper arm anatomy
I always have trouble remembering how much of the elbow/triceps tendon area is supposed to show when I'm drawing the arms in various positions from different angles, and it always bugs me because if it's wrong then I have to redraw the arm. I was curious to know if there are any mnemonic devices or any tricks to help remember how much of the elbow/triceps tendon area is seen at different angles and in different positions. I am focusing my studies on arms right now and I am confident this issue will be less of an issue with time
5 months ago
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Criticism greatly appreciated! I’m still on the 100 Heads Challenge and need more advice on what to focus on. Currently, I’ve been trying to center the facial features while maintaining the correct 3D construction of the nose and eyes. Only 31-45 are posted due to the attachment limit.
6 months ago
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need MORE Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Hey everyone, I’ve been trying out the 100 Heads Challenge and would really love some criticism on my work so far. I’ve done 30 heads - with varying success - and would like to know how to train for the next 70 (preferably advice on value and structure). Only 15 - 30 are posted due to the attachment limit.
6 months ago
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Need Criticism on the 100 Heads Challenge
Just starting
Found some of the YouTube videos, I’m starting out on learning how to sketch people / anatomy and the rhythm idea just unlocked so much!! Here’s a before (from before watching) and a quick 5 mins I did after watching the videos on drawing arms, legs and poses from any angles.
6 months ago
Just starting
Just starting
Need feedback for improvement
ive been practicing anatomy for a while now, I need feedbacks from everyone! Pls tell me what do u think ?
6 months ago
Need feedback for improvement
Need feedback for improvement
Need feedback for improvement
I would like help with foreshortening, inventing poses, and knee anatomy.
I would like help with foreshortening, inventing poses, and knee anatomy. I would also appreciate any other feedback as well.
7 months ago
I would like help with foreshortening, inventing poses, and knee anatomy.
Any feedback is welcome.
Did some gesture drawing and i dont know how to feel about this stuff. Its so hard to relax and just do the motion. I am constantly tense and my nervs stand on edge every time i try this. And i just feel like i am just drawing random lines. Are they suppose to be this bad in the begining? I sure hate them and want to throw them all away. But i know i cant because i need to have them to compare and see if i have gotten better with time or not. But back to gesture drawing. I am very new to this stuff and i am not good with timers. it causes me to panic and think "oh god i have to finish it within said seconds oh god oh god oh god!" I will say this now because lets be honest here no one will even look at this let alone give feedback. The only once that get feed back on this site are the people that can already do Leonardo da vinci stuff and then pose "plz give me feed back so that i can stroke my ego". PS. Sry for that last part. just wanted to vent a bit. Tho then again its not like anyone will help me anyway. After all i am not Leonardo da vinci. wink wink.
7 months ago
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Front Torso Study
As title says, I am doing a front torso anatomy study. Im wondering if I can please get feedback regarding anatomical accuracy, gesture, and/or likeness of my work. Thank you in advance!
7 months ago
Front Torso Study
Front Torso Study
6 months of progress
We are halfway through the year and I feel like I have made a lot of breakthroughs in the fundamentals. I am so proud of my progress. This picture is January vs. June What do you think?
7 months ago
6 months of progress
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
These were very fun to draw and I would like more feedback. These are less academic and more so meant to get me used to quickly getting poses down so I can draw them in panels. I drew with a 2b, 0.7 sized mechanical pencil on printer paper
7 months ago
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
With these gestures I attempted to correct the issue of too little distance between the ribcage and pelvis
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
Almost all of these are from imagination, save for one or two which I referenced character poses from the manga "Akira". These are drawn in ballpoint pen on an unknown, but slightly rough sketchbook paper. Each pose took under a minute, at most maybe taking me just a few seconds over a minute. They appear messy, and that's likely due to me not really sticking to a method like Loomis or Reilly, and really comes from me trying to pick up David Finch's method of starting a pose.
7 months ago
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
I am trying to get better at figure drawing and drawing the figure from memory. Please critique these gestures
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Hi everyone, I just started anatomy course recently, feedbacks are welcomed.
8 months ago
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Learning anatomy-please give feed backs
Forward, bombard it with critiques!!
Now, show me what you got.
8 months ago
Forward, bombard it with critiques!!
Forward, bombard it with critiques!!
Wich course
Hello, i follow the sample course on youtube from stan about anatomy, i can do gesture to a medium level. I cannot visualize 3d forms and put them on a paper but i know major muscles. I dont know if i need to go on figure draw course by hampton or i can go for an anatomy course by josh black. Do i need to go instead to the course on figure draw by stan? Help me choose the right course please, im stuggling many thanks!
8 months ago
Feedback on livestream drawings
Drew along with one of Josh Black’s livestreams and wanted to see if there is anything to improve upon with my drawings. First time really doing anything in this style, mostly stuck with an anime or comic style up to this point.
8 months ago
Feedback on livestream drawings
Feedback on livestream drawings
Feedback on livestream drawings
morphing to loomis head to better fit diffrent faces
when drawing someone with who's distance between the jaw and the nose is smaller than between the nose and the brow line , am i supposed to move the chin line upward or am i supposed tto make the distance between the brow and the nose taller while shortening the jaw to keep the whole distance between the brow and the chin same as the average loomis head ,
8 months ago
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Hi all, I love drawing however, I struggle with anxiety in trying to make it perfect. That sometimes causes me to not draw. Does anyone else struggle with this? Or how have you all overcome it? Also, here's some hand anatomy stuff, but I used references. Does anyone else struggle with copying and how have you made the transition to drawing from imagination. Thanks everyone!
9 months ago
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Does Anyone Else Struggle with Drawing Anxiety?
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
I will start by saying that the last time i posted here i was a massive douch to everyone and for that i apologies. Should not have posted that and hope you can forgive me. But back to the topic. I did these this morning and i also posted on a discord that i am a member of and got some Feedback where they said that i need to study anatomy before i even get in to gesture drawing even tho i could have sworn that gesture is a good place to start learning anatomy and proportions aswell as leveling upp your observational skills. I have a hard time knowing where i should even start when it comes to drawing "outside of the fundementals" But I would really like to know from a true professional if i am just going about this all wrong and i should study anatomy first before going in to gesture or the other way around? I am soo lost on this topic and this is the one thing i want to be good at but i am stuggling and cant seem to find a good "mentor" or "teacher" to really tell me what or where i should start. But enough here's the drawings and the references i used.
9 months ago
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
Did some gesture drawings. Would love some feedback.
practicing construction
Hey guys These are this mornings studies. Wanted to focus on the construction aspect (robo bean) think I've learned a bit from these but if you have any feedback id appreciate it
9 months ago
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
practicing construction
Robo bean study, critique needed
Hello, trying to learn the torso landmarks better to build the robo bean in a backview 3/4, could anyone please tell me if I did it correctly? If not I’d appreciate if someone could show me. Thanks
9 months ago
Robo bean study, critique needed
Robo bean study, critique needed
First stages of new piece
Hey guys Just started this piece and would appreciate any feedback you have so far
9 months ago
First stages of new piece
Can anyone critique my work?
I wonder if the ratio between the limbs and torso is correct. How to draw human body with boxes?
9 months ago
Can anyone critique my work?
Can anyone critique my work?
Human skeleton studies
I lately started this anatomy study and started by the bones, take a look! If you have some observation or review, please say, you're welcome!
9 months ago
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Human skeleton studies
Feedback on rendering and anatomy
Trying to move away from my rendering digitally and more of a graphite/charcoal feel. Still haven't found a brush I really think is great, this one is one of Kyles graphite shaders from the photoshop packs. Also, anatomy thoughts? Working primarily with arms and legs currently. not totally finished, head hands feet and weapons all at various levels of finish but not really what I was studying on this one. Undersketch included Thanks for all critique/feedback
9 months ago
Feedback on rendering and anatomy
Feedback on rendering and anatomy
Any feedback is welcome.
9 months ago
Any feedback is welcome.
Any feedback is welcome.
Have been Drawing the skull in different angels
Been trying to learn about the human skull and how its constructed but i am kinda going at it blind. Just now started to draw a box to box the skulls in to try and get a better feel for the perspective but its hard to tell if i am studying correctly. I am kinda doing my own bootcamp if you will and would love some feedback.
9 months ago
Have been Drawing the skull in different angels
Have been Drawing the skull in different angels
Have been Drawing the skull in different angels
Have been Drawing the skull in different angels
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
I really want to learn how to draw heads and do gesture drawing effectively. I just can't seem to get it right. I would love some feedback on these Thx. PS i dont have the images that i used to practise on hand but you can find them on. And
10 months ago
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
some gesture drawing and heads i did from last month. Would love some fead back.
Loomis head or Perspective head method?
I wanted to draw buildings that's why I was learning perspective from drawing fundamentals but there stan is teaching to draw heads using boxes and 2 point perspective, so I'm confused that should I learn that head or focus on learning buildings.
10 months ago
Mannequin drawing, feedback requested! please.
Hi, looking for any kind of critique. I know that feet could've been more proportionate and legs could've been thinner. Except that if you can give any feedback that'll be helpful and also confirming that am I right about my own critique would also be nice
10 months ago
Mannequin drawing, feedback requested! please.
Try the figure drawing assignment
Looking for a critique on this drawing
10 months ago
Try the figure drawing assignment
Sometimes i can draw, other times i can't
Sometimes i do something well and i feel like i already mastered basic anatomy, foreshortening and things like that but other times i need to learn how to draw a circle in perspective again because i can't draw the spine of skelly. How i can actually learn to draw an ellipsoid in the first attempt in any drawing?
10 months ago
Sometimes i can draw, other times i can't
Sometimes i can draw, other times i can't
Mannequin overlay… feedback needed
Hello trying to simplify the figure before adding anatomy but having trouble with the right leg on the left side of the picture, could someone correct me if my box figure is wrong. Thanks
10 months ago
Mannequin overlay… feedback needed
Mannequin overlay… feedback needed
Feedback is Appreciated!!!
Pic. 1 is Types of Joints Assignment: Oh no, no simplified geometric bone structure, this is sooo hard for me. I no nothing about anatomy when start the very first lesson. HeLp omg.🥲 Pic 2 and 3 are Spine Assignment 🥹 Thank you!! 🙏🙏🙏
10 months ago
Feedback is Appreciated!!!
Feedback is Appreciated!!!
Feedback is Appreciated!!!
looking for critiuqe on my figure drawings
11 months ago
looking for critiuqe on my figure drawings
looking for critiuqe on my figure drawings
looking for critiuqe on my figure drawings
looking for critiuqe on my figure drawings
what am i doing , ive rewatched the entirety of the torso drawing anatomy , and something feels of about those drawings
11 months ago
what am i doing , ive rewatched the entirety of the torso drawing anatomy , and something feels of about those drawings
Anatomy Critique: Anatomy, Composition, Rendering
Hello Everyone, I finished this drawing last month (February). I'm applying what I know about anatomy so far to figure drawing. I finished going through the anatomy course (the free version on YouTube) last year. My focus on this drawing was on anatomy, composition, and rendering. You can pick any of those areas to critique, depending on where you feel most comfortable. And if you feel like tackling all three, it's okay. Any feedback is appreciated. And please forgive the quality of the photos. I don't have access to a good camera. I used different phone cameras hoping to get a good photo. One of the photos is sharper but missed some details; while the other one captured more details but isn't very sharp. I hope what you find missing in one photo can be discovered in the other. In a nutshell, I will appreciate a critique about anatomy, composition, or rendering on this drawing. Thank you in advance
11 months ago
Anatomy Critique: Anatomy, Composition, Rendering
Anatomy Critique: Anatomy, Composition, Rendering
Anatomy Critique: Anatomy, Composition, Rendering
Hand bones
11 months ago
Hand bones
Hand bones
Hand bones
Drawing along with…
Josh Black. From the YouTube Anatomy Demo where he starts with this head of a sculpture by Bernini. Josh simplifies it more, but I had a good time drawing along :)
11 months ago
Drawing along with…
Any feedback appreciated on this hand.
I spent longer on this drawing than I usually spend on anything and I know the anatomy isn’t perfect. I would love critique on anatomy and also any graphite techniques I could study up on. I also love charcoal styles and any artists or recommendations to look at would be so appreciated. Thank you!
11 months ago
Any feedback appreciated on this hand.
Any feedback appreciated on this hand.
Any feedback appreciated on this hand.
Any feedback appreciated on this hand.
Any feedback appreciated on this hand.
I'm new to anatomy i tried to draw a head but I do not know if it is correct or not any feedback is appreciated
sorry ı forgot erase the some of the guidelines
1 year ago
I'm new to anatomy i tried to draw a head but I do not know if it is correct or not any feedback is appreciated
Bridgman studies by me
I'm really trying to grasp the inter-wedging and inter-locking forms that Bridgman describes. I thought these looked somewhat nice. Does anyone have any feedback or insights on what else I could be thinking to improve these studies?
1 year ago
Bridgman studies by me
Loomis Skull Step by Step
Hi guys, I’m wanting to draw a front view of a human skull using the Loomis method. Do you know of any good step by step tutorial from start to finish? I understand I can use Loomis as a guide, but having trouble figuring out where to place the features and what size the features are. It’s a little different than the human Loomis head because we’re placing eye sockets nasal cavity, jaw bones and teeth etc. So far on YouTube, I’m either seeing overly simplified explanations with no real reference points for placement of features, or else overly technical explanations where you draw a million guide lines that you’d never remember to replicate. Looking for tutorials with that sweet spot where it’s simple enough to follow but also detailed enough to show proper proportions and where to place features and roughly what size they should be. Is there a way to alter the Loomis head tutorial but adjust it for the skull somehow, and if so, how to the measurements differ? Any help appreciated!
1 year ago
Loomis Skull Step by Step
I'd really like some critque on my anatomy pls.
I tried drawing a simplified skeleton mannequin and putting the muscles on top, i had some trouble with the arms though, are they too short?
1 year ago
I'd really like some critque on my anatomy pls.
I'd really like some critque on my anatomy pls.
Would love to know what I did wrong
This is my first time drawing muscles over a skeleton like this, was a little confusing and I didn’t try to get the muscle fibers perfect obviously, I just want them going in the right direction.
1 year ago
Would love to know what I did wrong
Any critiques on my proportions would be appreciated.
1 year ago
Any critiques on my proportions would be appreciated.
Any critiques on my proportions would be appreciated.
Linework and Anatomical Accuracy
Need some feedback on the linework and anatomical accuracy, thanks in advance.
1 year ago
Linework and Anatomical Accuracy
Linework and Anatomical Accuracy
Posting critique for proportions and shading.
1 year ago
Posting critique for proportions and shading.
Posting critique for proportions and shading.
Would love feedback!
Pastel and charcoal I definitely need to study my anatomy kind of threw myself in the fire for this drawing but would love any tips and certain topics to study! Thank you
1 year ago
Would love feedback!
Would love feedback!
Linework and Anatomical Accuracy
Need some feedback on anatomical accuracy and some tips on how to shade better. Thanks in advance.
1 year ago
Linework and Anatomical Accuracy
Can i have some feedback on this figure drawing.
1 year ago
Can i have some feedback on this figure drawing.
Can i have some feedback on this figure drawing.
Would love feedback
A charcoal drawing definitely one of my first full back anatomy drawings. Would love any sort of feedback on it.
1 year ago
Would love feedback
need help with forearm anatomy
so i'm trying to learn forearm muscles but i'm already confused with my first one. first, what is the muscle/s that creates that ridge near the wrist? 2. which one of those two chunky muscle near the humurus are the ridge muscles? is it both or is the bottom one is an extensor muscle?
1 year ago
need help with forearm anatomy
Is Human eye size this big?
1 year ago
Is Human eye size this big?
Memory drawing
What’s a good exercise and or class regarding memory drawing? When it comes to poses, I always rely on references. I don’t do hyper photo realism but when it comes to character design I use a pose from reference then use my imagination to structure the character on my own.
1 year ago
Would really appreciate some feedback and criticism!
I honestly have no clue what I did wrong here...Something with the shadows maybe?
1 year ago
Would really appreciate some feedback and criticism!
Would really appreciate some feedback and criticism!
Arm anatomy
Would love some critique on this arm anatomy study. The three small drawings at the bottom are the bones, muscles placement and flexors specifically (color-coded). I am not sure if I correctly assumed for that bump on the upper arm to be entirely made up of the coracobrachialis? Also, is the flexor carpi ulnaris too wide, or is the size right? Any other notes would also be appreciated!
1 year ago
Arm anatomy
Arm anatomy
Unsure about the placement of inner leg muscles?
Hi! I need some help with whether the muscles have been placed correctly or not. Im really struggeling with the Gracilis especially, im not even sure if its that visible or in the right spot? Help would be super appreciated, thank you! The reference is from the adductors lesson from the anatomy course
1 year ago
Unsure about the placement of inner leg muscles?
Unsure about the placement of inner leg muscles?
Critiques on form
Hello! I am in need of some form critiquing. My main concern is the pelvis region with my female drawings, but if I could get some pointers overall, I would appreciate it! Thank you!
1 year ago
Critiques on form
Critiques on form
Critiques on form
Glutes anatomy practice
I tried to practice the anatomy of the glutes after watching the anatomy course abt it. I tried to figure out where which muscle is via tracing the two left images over reference photos (i had to remove the photos below due to copyright) plus some general sketches :) Advice is always super appreciated
1 year ago
Glutes anatomy practice
I'm having a nightmare. Could I get some critique please. A bit of feed back on what I should be thinking about and working on. I feel like the more I know the worse I'm getting. Or is just the start of the process? An I where I'm suppose to be at this point at the start. I also don't wanna spam the forum with pictures so I thought it was better to put a few in one post than separately after a few days. My critiques. I think one major thing is I don't know how to shade, which is making me inpatient with shading making it a cycle of getting worse. Also my proportions go wrong and I don't notice until I've started shading and the eyes and nose are too big as an example. The one of brad pitt that I done 3 times and then drew the eye, I seem to have a tendency to have the heads too short and wide. So on the bottom right I really stretched it out too my measurements, and it was much closer even then its not right. Haha I'm sorry for the pain this might cause you experienced real Artists. Haha.
1 year ago
leg bones trace
hey could someone help me out and critique my leg study for the bone anatomy, I've been working on this photo already and just wanted to work on the bones then put the anatomy on there.
1 year ago
leg bones trace
leg bones trace
Hello ! is his TFL merging into his quad rather the into his ITB or am I wrong ? thank you !
1 year ago
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I understand that the external oblique and the abs can differ quite a bit from individual from individual. But I really do feel stuck when trying to best figure out how to draw the external obliques' relationship to the abs when drawing from my imagination. I've seen some people just design it as if the external obliques directly connect to the individual sections of the abs, and other people connect one or two of the striations to the individual sections. Wonder if anyone can provide advice, so that I might be able to get past this artist block. I have attached some examples of images showing the external obliques interacting with the abs in very different ways.
1 year ago
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
I need help better understanding the external oblique and abs please
anatomy trace study
hello this is my first anatomy study and dunno what im doing or if I added anything right but can someone please give some feedback, I put the original image in for example of corrections. thank you so much
1 year ago
anatomy trace study
anatomy trace study
Leg Bones assignment #5
hey yall, continuing through the anatomy course. Struggled with how to conceptualize the positions from this angle, especially on the left leg
1 year ago
Leg Bones assignment #5
Stan's Leg Bones assignment #4
Hiya yall, i've been working through this course by myself over the years and never posted much cuz i figured the window for feedback was long past but i forgot about the community page lol. Here's what i'm working on atm
1 year ago
Stan's Leg Bones assignment #4
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