Mannequin drawing, feedback requested! please.
Hi, looking for any kind of critique. I know that feet could've been more proportionate and legs could've been thinner. Except that if you can give any feedback that'll be helpful and also confirming that am I right about my own critique would also be nice
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Hossein Rezapour
hi. forget about outlines of the body. the goal here isnt to draw a recognizable body or face or arm. its just finding and drawing a simple maniquin for the body. the details will come later. dont rush it. and dont worry. if u draw details now it cause u to not see the big forms of the body
That's really helpful! Thank you, I'll definitely focus on the bigger forms and not the details.
maciek szczech
The model's pelvis is turned more to her left side (as drawn is turned more to the viewer).  Her right leg is more balanced/ in line with her head, i.e. if you draw a vertical line from her head down, you will notice that her right leg is more or less on that line (as drawn it is a little too far to the viewer's left).  Her right knee is pointing to her left side, or to the viewer's right side (as drawn it is pointing a little too directly at the viewer). Since you have posted your drawing and a reference I was curious how I would draw this pose. My general approach is that drawing just one sketch is not sufficient for such a study. This is also due to the nature of the mind. It does not perceive everything at once. Ii is not perfect and loose but perhaps it will help or clarify more.  You are there, jus keep studying and drawing!
Damn how many hours did you spent on it, and there are two pelvis cubes which you've drawn but assuming the left one is your final drawing, there the hips are much more uplifted which I think changes the angle so is the angle in below drawing correct?
I’d agree that you’re right about the proportions, in addition, I’d recommend that you simplify your approach to this figure starting with gestures, then build on top with boxes. The reason I say this is because the bumps and outer contour makes it look stiff
If possible I’ll try to provide my own example later once I get off from work.
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