Rachel Dawn Owens
Rachel Dawn Owens
Virginia USA
Proko Community Critiquer
Activity Feed
I had already done the assignments for the hand bone lesson. I did them again to practice. And some poses were difficult. But I feel like I have learned a lot.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Amazing mechanical hands! These all look great!
Negla Haykal
I have tried it and learned many things from this exercise. Not only about perspective but also about composition and understanding depth between the foreground, middle ground, and background. However, to be honest, I still struggle with arranging the composition properly. I will keep trying.
Rachel Dawn Owens
These forms are looking great! I don’t notice any major perspective issues and it sounds like you’re getting a lot out of this. If you would like a little tip for composition, here’s one: Find an ‘S’ path through the landscape. Guide the viewers eye and take them on a journey around your world. I know i butchered some of your lovely forms here, but I hope it gets the idea across.
Mika Vermeulen
I found this a very dificult exercise and I will need some further practice. Feedbakc is welcome!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice blocky hands! This IS a very difficult assignment. Hands are hard. I find it easier to start super loose and sketchy. Especially for the foreshortened hands. I think you could add a little more to the side plane of that middle finger. Also, here’s a demo I made for this lesson that might be helpful too.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Really cool and dynamic
J. Menriv
Rachel Dawn Owens
Woah. You even curved the clouds, giving the image a sorta fisheye lens look.
I'm pretty satisfied with the result, it was funnier than expected. I was thinking "the character is gonna be a mess" but it went really well.
Rachel Dawn Owens
I might use a sharper digital brush. You want to avoid too much of that airbrush look. Overall, it looks like your getting it. Good job.
Kris A
After watching the demos, I felt a lot more confident. I’m traveling so had to work on the iPad this round which definitely feels different from the pencil and paper at home. But I think the concepts are there. Tried to keep my lines lighter as I explored the major shapes and flow of this guy. Didn’t want to get too detailed and keep my mind in the open exploration mode. Feedback welcome!
Rachel Dawn Owens
It looks like you got the concept. Your lines are long and light and simple. The eye got a little scratchy. I know this lesson is far from an anatomy one. But I think this little tip could help out your drawing. Keep at it and keep drawing
Neo Diamond
Rachel Dawn Owens
Hooray! These are great!
Day 1 of my 2 Week Challenge! Let's Go!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Sick references. Keep at it!
James Paris
Two of my last drawings : these days I'm exporing lineweight because I always struggle to decide if I want my art to have heavy or fine lines. This time, I did heavier lines to suggest occlusion shadows and light direction. Overall it seems I made a better job on the first image,I think I lost focus on the werewolf because he's a bit all over the place "lineweight wise".
Rachel Dawn Owens
If you pushed the darks around the wolf’s face and hands, you could maybe focus it more. These are really cool drawings. Keep it up!
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