Activity Feed

David Sánchez
Some loomis studies, they were aiming to represent the avarage measurements.
The rib-cage exercises from the Proko anatomy course.
These are the practices that I did based on the pelvis videos by Proko, Any suggestion with them will be welcomed!
Some heads and studies that I did based on the concepts from the Marco Bucci's course about the planes of the head. Any comments on them would be great.
This are my drawings for the spine exercises in the proko anatomy course, any feedback can will be apreciated and taken in to consideration during my deliberate practice.
Based on what you described, having the feeling of grasping the ideas and understanting that each concept and exercise is something you can always look back at any moment, you are indeed ready to start practicing the next concept. You can use the feeling that you just described as an indicator of when to move to the next lesson.
However, keep in mind that you shouldn't stay for more than 1 or 2 weeks in a given exercise, if you pass that period time in a lesson, move on to the next one, remenber that everything builds on top of other concepts, venturing to something a little bit more complex can help you learn better a previous concept, that's why revisitting lessons is so important.
Hope that helps to your art journey!
Revisiting is a great point! One nice thing about courses like these is that it's easy to do that. Thanks for the advice, it helps!
Worry less and revisit if I end up feeling like it need it.
In addition with the head course, I started the anatomy course by Stan Prokopenko. here are the activities I worked with this week. Just to clarify, this is like the 3rd or 4th time I'm going through the whole course.
I've started the Marco Bucci course on the head this week and I wanted to document my progress, I like to altern work in digital and traditional media. Any comment and critiques will be apreciated.
David Sánchez
Wether you are looking for stylization or a more realistic aproach, head construction is the subjet that can benefits you the most. Look for a course that focuses on that, portait drawing is more specific but head construction talks about the theory that concerns to every artform related to drawing the head. That can be a good place for you to start absorving theory.
Yea that makes sense. But I just finished Stan's portrait drawing lesson's and I feel like my head anatomy has improved. I'm not saying you're wrong but I'm just wondering. What exactly should I be watching out for? I really do appreciate the feedback back though
David Sánchez
The best place to go as a beginner is the figure drawing course by Proko, he provides various exercises that helps you understand the rhytms of the body. Since you want to create characters I'll suggest lloking for his chapter on proportions, when you combine this with the manequinnization chapter, you'll have enough material to start practicing with drawing whole characters. After this course you can start any course on characters that you find appealing and interesting.
As for the drawing, looks nice, the stylistic choices look appealing, maybe you would want to look for a course on character design, if it's something that interests you at the moment.
So yeah, those are the things tha you may want to focus on to get some progress in the right direction. Hope this helps!