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Head Construction
I've been working on improving my head drawings, so I followed some tutorials by Michael Hampton. I focused on constructing the head itself without adding facial features, as I wanted to master the basic structure first. However, something still felt off. Any criticism is welcome! Thank you so much for reading!
Finally, it's value time
Rachel Dawn Owens
Pre-Proko Seals. I felt like there was something wrong with all of them, but I can't figure out why. Anyway, any criticism is welcome
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Rhythm practice 3!!!
This is another attempt of my gesture drawing. This is in the sketching phrase because I want to have some feedback about my drawing process. Any criticism is welcome! Thank you so much for reading!
Steve Lenze
The first thing you want to do when you start a gesture drawing is to find where the weight is. In this drawing the weight is on the right leg, as a result, the body is centered over the right foot. Your drawing has the weight centered exactly in the middle and the body is straight up and down. I did a sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Thank you for the help. I learnt something new
Stephen Clark
Hey, there! You titled this rhythm practice but this feels more like mannequinization. You have a rhythm present in the foot like in the Proko video, though. The purpose of those is to observe and use the relation of different forms to enhance the movement of the piece. If you give that video a watch again, catch where Stan mentions some rhythms and look for similar relations in your future studies. There may be rhythms that lead from an arm and to the leg or any number of places. You've got a good construction here, though! Just find and use those rhythms :D
Thank you for the help. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think my drawing is a mannequinization one. I remember mannequinization is more structural than gesture/ rhythm I appreciate your respond regardless. I learnt something new
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Rhythm practice 2!!!
This is another attempt of my gesture drawing. I think I should've exaggerated it more. Any criticism is welcome! Thank you so much for reading!
ataert ase
It's looking good! I think a good focus point would be the rhythm of the spine. The model's spine arches back. In your illustration the spine looks a little bit flat, with the torso and pelvis both facing a bit too forward. Try an illustration with some exaggerating of the curve spine and see how it comes out!
Thank you for the help!
Steve Lenze
The rhythms of the body have certain shapes depending on the view. For example: the leg in profile takes on a "S" rhythm. The leg from the front takes on "B" rhythm. An arm can be an "S" rhythm or like in this drawing a "C" rhythm. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Thank you so much for your feedback! One question if you don't mind. How do you approach the torso in gesture/rhythm drawings?
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Rhythm practice!!!
This is my attempt at Proko's Rhythms lesson. Any criticism is welcome! Thank you for reading!
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