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Anna Hagen
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Affinity in use?does anyone have current experience with digital painting in Affinty products? The last notes are from several years ago.
Anna Hagen
Having a downloadable picture of the cranial proportions for reference would be really useful here.
Final submission. Concept Sketch for Stay With Me
“Our intrepid explorer crests the dessert ridge to see the crumbling monument, a temple to a long forgotten oceanic god. Gregory, the grasshuman, turns his trusty cycle toward the edifice. Once this barren basin was an inland sea… could it be again?”
Indiana Jones meets the Call of Cathulu in pink and green.
Mock up in procreate oils, (And my first time doing concept art!)
Inspiration: Crumbling marble jelly fish + grasshopper/human on a green motorcycle + rocky foreground.
I started to fill the foreground with ferns, but my friend walked past and said “Get rid of the greenery—this is a place of death!” :-D