Forward, bombard it with critiques!!

Now, show me what you got.
I'm sorry ahead of time for noting a very small and insignificant detail. Overall, your work here is great, you've got a clear use of form and a good range of values. However, only because I've experienced this before, your drawing seems to indicate a portion of the sitter's right clavicle (anatomical right) that has a steep angle to its center form.
In your drawing, it appears, like my clavicle, to have been broken at some point and re-fused over time where one bone slightly overlaps the other. In an unbroken collarbone, it is one piece that handlebars across the chest. It appears, from observation of the image, that what you meant to indicate was a muscle separation between the chest and shoulder. It doesn't appear that this sitter has had the pleasure of snapping this particular part of his body, a part that's generally one of the strongest in everybody's but my own.
Perhaps only lightening this very small and insignificant area might help to reduce the concavity, and thus "sharpness" of the angle. Regardless, thank you for sharing much better work than I could have done myself today; I'd trust your opinion over mine in resolving this, but I wanted to share that observation anyhow.
Wow . . . This is incredible. I am blown away. Only thing I am capable of seeing is that you didn't get the brightest white in there, which is the big highlight at the top of his forehead. But I think what you did looks great (maybe better?) and kind of gives his face a darker, moodier vibe. Aside from that . . . could put more dark-darks on the rock/chair??? I dunno. Looks pretty much perfect to me. Excellent work!
I think a lot of your shapes are great, however your shading is off as the shadows are becoming "muddy", this happens when values are not placed where they ought to be. For instance you are making the core shadow the same value of his beard which is much darker, you are also saying the cloth is lighter than the calf. When this is off it creates a lot of imbalance and makes your drawing look a little off, which is again is a shame because I think you are nailing the anatomy
Hey Shawn,
The rendering of this is pretty nice, you really controlled your values well.
There are problems with the drawing that I think if you focus on before you start to render it will make your drawing awesome. I included some quick notes about what I saw that could be improved, I hope it helps :)