Yoshi Oda
Inspiring illustrator. I want to be a comic artist and/or a concept artist
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Yoshi Oda
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Ink and inkwashIm still practicing how to be better at ink and inkwash but sometimes is looks muddy or not as good as I wanted it to be so I was wondering if I can get some feedback on what to do or recommendations on how to go about it
David Sánchez
Wether you are looking for stylization or a more realistic aproach, head construction is the subjet that can benefits you the most. Look for a course that focuses on that, portait drawing is more specific but head construction talks about the theory that concerns to every artform related to drawing the head. That can be a good place for you to start absorving theory.
Yea that makes sense. But I just finished Stan's portrait drawing lesson's and I feel like my head anatomy has improved. I'm not saying you're wrong but I'm just wondering. What exactly should I be watching out for? I really do appreciate the feedback back though
I've noticed sometimes by drawings in pencil looks better than in ink and I'm not really sure why. I inspire to be like Inoitoh. An artist i discovered through Instagram. My work never looks like theirs which makes sense since they are levels above me. I would like to know what i need to change to be on the right path to start heading towards that direction
Yoshi Oda
Asked for help
Here are some nose studies I did. I would like some feedback on what i should improve on
I think they look great! I would say that some of the hands do look a a bit small. I bring this up because I got called out for this in my class for having this same issue and I’m still trying to work on it😅 one thing that I was told that might help was if you draw hands small, draw them bigger than what you usually intend to do if that makes sense
This is the 3rd time I've tried drawing her and every time it looks nothing like the image. I want to know what I'm doing wrong and how I can improve. This is the image I'm referencing and this is the best image out of the 3 ive drawin in my opinion