Feedback on rendering and anatomy
Trying to move away from my rendering digitally and more of a graphite/charcoal feel. Still haven't found a brush I really think is great, this one is one of Kyles graphite shaders from the photoshop packs.
Also, anatomy thoughts? Working primarily with arms and legs currently.
not totally finished, head hands feet and weapons all at various levels of finish but not really what I was studying on this one.
Undersketch included
Thanks for all critique/feedback
Hey morelock,
This is pretty good. What stands out to me is the proportions, the head feels too big which is making the legs look real short.
As far as the rendering goes, your on the right track, but you need to make sure the rendering is used to reveal form. Think about form and not about copying the reference.
Hey Steve, thanks for the input and example. I'll work on applying it on the next one. Yes a bit of a big noggin! Thanks again