Wich course

Hello, i follow the sample course on youtube from stan about anatomy, i can do gesture to a medium level. I cannot visualize 3d forms and put them on a paper but i know major muscles. I dont know if i need to go on figure draw course by hampton or i can go for an anatomy course by josh black. Do i need to go instead to the course on figure draw by stan?
Help me choose the right course please, im stuggling
many thanks!
What's your goal? Draw figures well or learn anatomy? Do you want to learn anatomy well so you can draw from imagination and know which muscles will contract, which will extend, or just enough so you can draw believable figure drawing from observation?
Hampton's course covers more geometric forms, which could be a good training for you if you have trouble visualize 3d forms.
If you want to learn anatomy well, following Stan's free anatomy courses on YouTube and do all the assignments would be a good start, maybe consider investing in the premium course. The interactive tools really helps you see how the muscles move from all angles.
yes im aiming to draw confident from imagination, major anatomy of the body i had yet done.