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Steve Lenze
added comment inRobo bean critique
You are pretty close with this one. The torso looks good, but the pelvis is too complicated of a shape. Try to keep it as a simple box, it will be easier. I like how you were not fooled by the shoulders because they are able to move independent of the ribcage. Keep at it :)

Believe me Steve, it wasn’t easy, the shoulders are what kept me on this pose for a month. Honesty I’ve never drawn a pose where the shoulders tilt like this so I feel like was fooled by them since I didn’t draw the ribcage independent from them like yours. There are other things I see how I did wrong as well so I will draw all my figures as simple boxes moving forward as that’ll make things a lot easier! Thanks as always!
Asked for help
Still been working on the Robo bean, and while I’ve gotten better understanding, this pose is in general was tough b/c of how the shoulders tilt and foreshortening, can someone lemme know if I did it right, thanks
trying to apply the bean to other poses, this one was especially difficult being a twist, I did another one with red lines to make it converge but it doesn’t seem right. Appreciate any help I can get so I can be more consistent on my own!
Looks like a good start, I think It’d be helpful to separate parts on the crab drawing to see the forms a bit clearer
I think you should be more aware of perspective. The lines of one side of a box should converge at some point if you were to extend them
hey thanks, honestly understanding perspective is my goal so could u show me an example on how to make them converge, if I’m able to see it I can be more mindful in future drawings
maciek szczech
Hi @cchapman3 you are doing well. I would just draw the model pelvis angled the other way. On her left side between the pelvis and the ribcage there is "stretch" and on her right side there is "compression".
Thanks a bunch, I see what you mean with the pelvis b/c of the weight bearing leg and overall angle of the figure. Somehow I keep messing up with either the pelvis or ribcage in these studies but I know it’s apart of the process
hey just wanted to see if I improved on the Robo bean, starting to get the hang of it in the back 3/4 view, appreciate any critiques on how I did the Robo bean over the figures and the over flow of the forms. thanks
Asked for help
I think that values turned out good, but i think i got the shape wrong. Any feedback woudl be valuable <3
overall shape looks good to me, my recommendation is to try and draw it again and push the shadow a bit more darker ( not the core shadow)
Asked for help
hey just wanted to see if I improved on the Robo bean, starting to get the hang of it in the back 3/4 view, appreciate any critiques on how I did the Robo bean over the figures and the over flow of the forms. thanks