Mannequin overlay… feedback needed
Hello trying to simplify the figure before adding anatomy but having trouble with the right leg on the left side of the picture, could someone correct me if my box figure is wrong. Thanks
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Steve Lenze
Hey @cchapman3, I did a quick sketch to show you the best way to simplify the body into simple shapes. I hope it helps :)
I appreciate your feedback, if it’s not too much trouble's asking also, does it matter if the legs are in box form like the pelvis and ribcage when it comes to adding the anatomy?
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Added one more picture as an update, this is the leg I’m mainly having trouble understanding and because it’s the way it’s angle. It’s giving a twist motion to me which is why simplifying it into a box is harder compared the other leg. It messed with it for a while and got somewhat of an understanding by looking at my own leg. I just wanna make sure I’m on the right track before going back to anatomy
I view it like this, it's a rectangle in perspective. Marshall also suggests viewing legs as boxes in the video I hope that you've watched this one and if not then you'll understand it easily after watching it and if I am wrong please correct me.
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Feedback needed
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