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St. Valentine
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6 months of progressWe are halfway through the year and I feel like I have made a lot of breakthroughs in the fundamentals. I am so proud of my progress.
This picture is January vs. June
What do you think?
Plague Portrait
Watercolor Illustration
I had a lot of fun with this photoshoot.
I drew a fairy warrior for this challenge using some organic references to create elements of their character design.
Enrique Nuñez Mendoza
Asked for help
Hello everyone!
This is my first post. I don´t know if it is right to use this space for showing finished work but I would like to show my recent artworks based on what I learned from this course.
Please feel free to critique my work.
Have a great day!
Greetings from México.
Really good work! Love these. It may be a preference thing or style but I'd try to lighten up the shadows on some areas to pop the core shadows more. I'd keep the occlusion shadows dark but kind of fill in the other shadows with a sense of reflective light just enough to show the form through core shadows. My favorite is the last one. Beautiful work!!
Johan Kurniawan
Asked for help
I know very little about shading so I tried my best to draw the shadow shape but I know the placement probably won't be accurate because I can't really differentiate shadow and halftone. The assignment says that if you're new to shading, don't shade for this exercise since it will be a distraction. I need help of how to SHOW the form of the abs, especially the one on female figures, without shading.
Are my proportions off? should I spend more time on gesture drawings or is it time to move on to a perspective course? Appreciate any feedback.
St. Valentine
Asked for help
looking for feedback. I think maybe I need to take a course on perspective.
So here it is, Hope everybody likes it. I was watching the Proko podcasts about NFT's and blockchain and got inspired. I was trying to be silly in a nostalgic kind of way, shooting for a 30's or 40's kind of feel. I used Illustrator to create the text which I hope is OK.
The Neily Seven! Sequel to my first submission. I’m thinking National Lampoon’s, summer vacation family comedy, maybe with a time travel twist. A little nod to Drew Struzan, I wish I was that good!
Maybe “Late to the Future” or “Back to the Vacation”.
You have such a great perspective and composition! But I do think some of your characters have facial features that are too similar to one another. I'm reading Andrew Loomis' fun with a pencil and he has a whole chapter of how to draw funny faces that has really been helping me kill my same face syndrome.
HELLO PROKO FAM. Here is my submission! I hope you all like it because I really had a lot of fun doing this. I'm not great a fully rendered images yet but I've been working on figure drawing specifically and I am very proud of my dynamic gals!
hello and nice to meet you too!
oh my lord, this is amazing!! hey the composition you put in here's awesome! love how the circle is the big guide to everything in the poster, awesome work and glad you have some fun!! 💜🌻
I can really see that you have been practicing figure drawing, they look great! I love the water woman there is such movement in her!