Try the figure drawing assignment
Dennis Yeary
Looking for a critique on this drawing
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Matthew K
If you're using the image I think you are for reference, the balance of weight is completely altered and shifted to the right. Yonni's weight is firmly on his left leg in many of the images in this pack, and your's is shifted to the right, as if his weight is equally on both legs. Make sure you take a close look at the source image. One thing to consider is to use the squares method of marking out a drawing to start to help with accuracy. You don't have to get lost in doing dozens or hundreds of squares, but even 20 large ones can really help you catch proportional issues early, get a good foundation, but let you then get more "freeform" if you choose to afterward.
The legs are short, and original reference had lots of muscles
Hossein Rezapour
i say the biggest problem is proportions. head is too big. hands and feets are too small. arms are too long . if u use basic shapes its easier to see the proportion . basic 2d shapes.
Dennis Yeary
yeah I ran out of room there
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