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Painting everyday challenge
DAY 1 I finally convinced myself to start a challenge of painting everyday from life for about a month (We'll see how consistent I'll be) This is the first painting - oil painting on paper - 'simple' still life. I'll be posting the other paintings here aswell. I would like to get any critique (color, composition, etc.) so that I can improve.
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Figure drawing from a model
This is a figure drawing from life. Spent around 4 hours on it. This was kind of a hard pose to draw but I think it's important to try and draw different positions of a human figure. It's also very huge. We draw in class on life-size papers so that the figure is around the same/similiar size as the paper. The biggest problem for me and my classmates is to fit the whole figure into that huge paper. Do you have any tips for this?? It's charcoal by the way. I would also be very happy if someone here has some tips on how to actually START drawing the figure on huge formats. The beginning of a huge drawing is always the hardest not only for me.
Hi! I'm new to this site but I would like to talk about some things that have been stuck in my head for quiet some time now. I've always had an interest in classical approach to art. I love the feeling of being in an art gallery and really just studying by looking at paintings from last centuries. My most favorite period is baroque. Especially baroque painting and architecture. And what I also find very interesting is how we actually ended up from very classical approach to contemporary, conceptual art today - postmodernism. I find it so fascinating how the art world was changing during different times. Anyways the main reason for this topic is that I would love to meet people with same/similiar interest when it comes to art history, classical approach to painting, drawing. I want to improve as a classical painter (Even though I'm still a student) but I also try to think more conceptual in art. I think that connections are the most important thing when it comes to this field. You can introduce yourself under this topic if you're interested. I'm excited to meet new people who I could talk to about art history, classical painting and so on. :))))
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still life study
I painted this little still life (not that little.. it's actually about 100cm x 70cm). It's tempera/gouache on paper. I would like to get some critique on it. My intention wasn't to make it that much realistic because it's really hard to paint with tempera.
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