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Rachel Dawn Owens
This is really good! The texture work is phenomenal. The palm might be a little long compared to the fingers, but that’s only a minor critique. You did great. mapo pencil on Instagram is someone I found recently that you might like. Notice his super sharp pencils. https://www.instagram.com/mapo_pencil?igsh=MXBsZzdpb2wxNzY0eg==
Thank you Rachel! I definitely noticed the long palm but I was to far in and had to commit😂 but thanks so much I’ll check him out!
I spent longer on this drawing than I usually spend on anything and I know the anatomy isn’t perfect. I would love critique on anatomy and also any graphite techniques I could study up on. I also love charcoal styles and any artists or recommendations to look at would be so appreciated. Thank you!
michael legassie
Hey @Jaren, the foundation looks good, but I recommend "cross hatching", cross hatching is a good starter with pen and ink, you can also do a combination of pen and watercolor/wash. these both can have great potential.
Thank you I will definitely give it a shot
I am on a trip and only have a pencil case with some micro pens. This fireplace was a cool perspective challenge for me and now I’m at a point where I really want to add values shading with pens and would love any recommendations for techniques or styles to study ! I dont do well with straight lines so this was definitely a sort of challenge to my bad line quality😂Also any other feedback I would love thank you
Another from the same lesson. Tried to clean my lines up a little i am definitely a messy artist and Stan’s drawings are so clean they’re amazing. But would love feedback
michael legassie
good job, the back looks amazing, looks like that studying paid off, didn't it?
I think definitely I could slow myself down and clean up my lines but any other feedback is much appreciated!
Steve Lenze
I think before getting too caught up in anatomy, you should focus on gesture and structure. These will help you think about the rhythms of the body and the 3 dimensional aspect of the different parts of the figure. This will set you up to then start adding anatomy. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Thank you so much Steve you’ve helped a ton I agree I tend to get ahead of myself but you’re examples definitely open my eyes to how much easier planning out anatomy is once my gesture and structure is better. I think I get a basic figure down and jump to fast into shading before my gesture and structure is really there. Thanks again!
added a new topic
Would love feedback!
Pastel and charcoal I definitely need to study my anatomy kind of threw myself in the fire for this drawing but would love any tips and certain topics to study! Thank you
Steve Lenze
Well, It's pretty much missing the anatomy. Because of that and a lack of form shadows across the back, it is pretty flat. Now, because you didn't post the reference, I can't give definitive answers, but I tried to give my best guess with my paint/draw over. I hope it helps :)
Thank you so much this helps a lot
michael legassie
Quick tip, if you are struggling on drawing the back, take time for some study, it'll help your drawings, also try to add more mass to the arms, and don't make the back TOO short. happy drawing!
Thank you sm for the feedback I definitely am starting to get more serious about anatomy studies it’s very intimidating but learning everyday!
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