Thong Le
Thong Le
Activity Feed
Thong Le
Hi guys. Where can I find full concept art of games like Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown?
Steve Lenze
Hey Thong, I like what your doing here, it's a quick way to give a 3D feel to your drawing. I would suggest that you simplify the shapes to just boxes at first, it will make things easier. Also, pay attention to your proportions, the feet and hands on your drawing are too small. I did a quick sketch to show you how I would approach doing a body in all boxes, I hope it helps :)
Thong Le
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your help.
Thong Le
Thong Le
added a new topic
Can anyone critique my work?
I wonder if the ratio between the limbs and torso is correct. How to draw human body with boxes?
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