How to know when to move to the next unit in the course
I'm working my way through the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course. I don't expect to perfect any particular step in the course, but I do want to stay long enough to learn what is important. So... how do I know when it's time to move on?
I'd love some input on knowing generally how to answer this question, but to make it more specific, I've attached a selection of my work from the first unit (Gesture) of the course. I feel like I'm starting to grasp the ideas, even though I recognize that gesture practice won't stop when I move on to the next unit.
Based on what you described, having the feeling of grasping the ideas and understanting that each concept and exercise is something you can always look back at any moment, you are indeed ready to start practicing the next concept. You can use the feeling that you just described as an indicator of when to move to the next lesson.
However, keep in mind that you shouldn't stay for more than 1 or 2 weeks in a given exercise, if you pass that period time in a lesson, move on to the next one, remenber that everything builds on top of other concepts, venturing to something a little bit more complex can help you learn better a previous concept, that's why revisitting lessons is so important.
Hope that helps to your art journey!
Revisiting is a great point! One nice thing about courses like these is that it's easy to do that. Thanks for the advice, it helps!
Worry less and revisit if I end up feeling like it need it.