Anatomy Book
michael gilbert
Is there any recommendations for a really good anatomy book? I need further understanding of forearms and back muscles in different positions.
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michael legassie
try someone stretching like a monk child on the trees
Izak van Langevelde
I like Peck's Atlas of Human Anatomy, Goldfinger's Human Anatomy for Artists, and Richer's Artistic Anatomy. There is a difference between anatomical reference, like the above, and books about drawing the human figure, like Bridgman and Vanderpoel. The former are what you need, while the latter may be useful.
michael gilbert
Thank you all for the recommendations. I chose to go with Human Anatomy for Artists by Goldfinger. I also plan to purchase Gottfried Bammes as well.
michael gilbert
NVM the podcast helped
David Finch recommends using Bridgeman's guide and sketching through it.
Rizwan Piracha
John Vanderpoel's 'The Human Figure' is a bit old school but I found it quite useful. Some great drawings in it too.
french macdonald
It’s always refreshing to hear about resources that continue to be helpful, no matter how much time has passed.
Richard Gruber
I really like "Dynamic Human Anatomy" by Roberto Osti
michael gilbert
Good advice. I'mma lookin to those to see if they match my learning style.
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