Anubhav Saini
Anubhav Saini
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Anubhav Saini
hello everyone in the following painting i tried everything i could but could not understand the shadow shapes in the knuckle area i could not understand how to design shapes in the knuckles and how would the shadows be in the knuckle area please can anyone help mw with it!!!!!
Anubhav Saini
Rachel Dawn Owens
Likeness is super hard to capture but it it possible with just a few simple things. I hope this is helpful. Good luck with your drawing.
Anubhav Saini
added a new topic
I need feedback
Hello everyone I need feedback regarding likeness I wanted to get the likeness accurate but I feel like I messed it up so can y'all give me feedback regarding why I messed it up
Anubhav Saini
added a new topic
Need feedback
Hello everyone I was given a task To make a poster for a bad art club And was given the following two images As refference so in the third image I made the poster I took the style of the fonts like thick strokes and fill from the refference and just made an illustration at the background to make it different from the first two posters because I wanted to do something different this time also I have less experience in creating posters so can anybody give me feedback for it and thank you
Rachel Dawn Owens
@Anubhav Saini for your Art Club poster design, you could try to find some professionals for reference to start. This is a website I like to browse through sometimes for stuff like this: Pay attention to how the designers use illustration to support the typography. You want a poster to grab people’s attention and be easily readable in the first 3 seconds of viewing. Just bumping up the contrast around “Bad Art Club” text can bring it forward from the background and add a little extra punch. Hope this helps. Good luck with your club!
Anubhav Saini
Thank you very much
Michael Giff
Nice use of cross hatching, particularly on the nose. What tools are you using? Reminds me of some ball point pen sketches but I'm not sure.
Anubhav Saini
Thank you very actually I used ball point pen in it
Anubhav Saini
added a new topic
Hello everyone
Hello everyone with this piece I wanted to try the carricature of it and I wanted to go with a rough approach with it as I wanted try cross hatching with a slightly realistic touch also I was tired of doing the same style everytime I draw so I was fed up with it so I tried this new approach
Melanie Scearce
I think the first color scheme has the most vintage feel!
Anubhav Saini
Thank you very much I was also thinking of the same
Anubhav Saini
Here I was just planning out the thumbnails for color and I was aiming to get a vintage plus a spooky feel simultaneously at first I tried this but later I thought to like to go very abstract so I did whatever came to my mind So would these color combination work. My main aim is to get a evil spooky feel with the character plus a vintage feel simultaneously
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