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Arman Jucutan
added comment inInventing the Shoulder Muscles
Asked for help
Hello everyone, here are some shoulder inventions for this assignment. I wanted to focus on correct origin-insertion of the muscles and form. If I am lacking anywhere in this departments please feel free to let me know, would love hear some feedback! Thank you
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In order, the artists below are Moebius, James Gurney, sseongryul, and Kim Jung Gi. The big-picture goal of this course is to put my characters into a believable and immersive environment. When I draw characters, I feel like the environment that they are in enhances my character and I will have more freedom in making concept art
Steve Lenze
Hey Arman, I think you are jumping into anatomy and rendering too soon. You should be starting with a gesture drawing, then building the structure to give it 3 dimension, then add details and anatomy and rendering. This will ensure that your drawing is solid before you spend time rendering a drawing that is wrong.
I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean :)
Hi Steve! Here is a more thorough study. I focused more on giving structure and gesture so I excluded the rendering in my process. I'm wondering where I can improve in these two areas?
As title says, I am doing a front torso anatomy study. Im wondering if I can please get feedback regarding anatomical accuracy, gesture, and/or likeness of my work. Thank you in advance!
Arman Jucutan
Asked for help
Here are my submissions for week 4. Getting better at eyeballing the colors!
As per usual critiques are welcome
Arman Jucutan
Asked for help
Hi folks, here are my submission for week 3. These were some difficult references. Hoping these turned out alright!
Asked for help
I need help with these tracings, I don't know if I have gotten any of these correct. Please Give honest feedback
Not completely finished assignment myself but one critique I can point out is the insertion of the pecs. I think your tracings insert too far down the humerus. The actual attachment point of pecs should be under the deltoids. Great work!
Arman Jucutan
Asked for help
Hello everyone, here is my work for the pelvis Asg! Perspective was the hardest for this and definitely looking to get some advice on that if possible! Thank you in advance!
Arman Jucutan
Asked for help
Hey everyone, here is my work for this asg. I know eyeballing is another skill to practice but decided focus in edges instead! So critique regarding that is welcomed (Eyeballing is going to be a regular practice for me now though)