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Warmups to Improve Line Quality
Drawing consistently good looking lines can be hard. Here are 5 line quality warm-ups that you can practice to improve your line control.
29 minutes ago
Demo 1 - Value Composition Thumbnails - Level 1
Let me show you how I approach value composition studies.
I start with a basic sketch that resembles the photo to warm up. Then I experiment by adjusting values, like changing the darkness of the shirt or lightening the hair, to see how it affects the composition. I also play with the background and cropping, trying different shapes and contrasts to frame the subject. It's all about testing different ideas, simplifying shapes, and seeing what works best for the piece.
2 hours ago
Project - Dynamic Shapes
In this project, we’ll continue working on improving our shape design by applying the concepts we learned from the last lesson. You’ll be working on identifying the gesture of your subject and then designing dynamic and interesting shapes that support that gesture.
2 hours ago
Demo - Simplify Pear from Observation
Now that you’ve all had some time to try the first project on your own, you can watch how I do it and figure out what areas you are exceeding and struggling with.
Here is my step-by-step demo on how to properly execute the first project for level 1 students.
2 hours ago
Project - Simple Animal Portraits
Alright guys, this is going to be a fun one! In this project, we’ll be constructing animal portraits using basic shapes.
2 hours ago
Value Study Tool on Firefox
Can't upload any image:
I click on the "new image" button in the middle (clicking on the top left "new image" does not do anything); file upload dialog pops up; i select the image; the dialog closes but nothing else happens. i don't see any error in the browser console.
i use firefox on ubuntu
3 hours ago
Project - Value Composition Thumbnails
In this project, we’ll practice value composition by creating thumbnail sketches from reference photos. You’ll simplify images into three values in small thumbnails, focusing on capturing the main idea without details. We’ll also cover techniques for effective thumbnails, including simplifying, iterating with multiple variations, and experimenting with value groupings.
3 hours ago
Project - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
Alright level two-ers...Since you've already got some experience with sketching, I want to give you a bit more of a challenge to start practicing sketching from Imagination!
3 hours ago
Skull Study
What are some things I should incorporate in my skull study? Currently, I’m only drawing the skull over and over to see the underlying form, but I believe I missing out on something important.
3 hours ago
Drawing Basics
It’s here! The Draw Basics course is now available. A true beginners course aimed at teaching you core drawing fundamentals.
4 hours ago
Demo - Eyeballing Proportions
As you develop your eyes to judge proportions, you won't need to measure as much. In this bonus measuring demo, I’m going to rely a little less on the measuring and more on just trusting my eyeballs.
4 hours ago
Daily Drawing With Timer Challenge
I enjoyed the habit of drawing everyday during the 12 Days of Proko. The timer tool is great and there are lots of professional photos to work from. I took one day off from it and got right back on it. Now the habit is a fixture in my daily routine.
I've been posting the images in the two week challenge thread in the Drawing Fundamentals Course, but since a.) this will be a longer habit than two weeks and b.) not everyone on Proko is enrolled in that course, I'm starting a thread here.
Anyone inclined, feel free to join in. Use the timer and whatever photos you have packs for, or are freely available.
Here are a few two minute sketches from me--mostly from the Viking Volume 2 Pack.
22nd Day of Proko and counting.
4 hours ago
Sculpting Gesture with an Armature
Your sculptures may be inanimate, but they don’t need to be lifeless! Let's talk about how you can capture gesture with your wire armatures.
4 hours ago
Demo - Simplify Portrait from Observation
Now that you’ve all had some time to try the first project on your own, you can watch how I do it and figure out what areas you are exceeding and struggling with.
Here is my step-by-step demo on how to properly execute the first project for level 2 students.
4 hours ago
Demo - Learning to Sketch from Observation
Alright guys, now that you’ve had some time to work on your level 1 “Learning to Sketch from observation” project. Ill show you how I would approach the sketches.
5 hours ago
The Gesture Course
Gesture drawing is a fundamental skill and one that many artists find difficult to approach, but in this course, I'll be showing you how I tackle this subject and give you everything you need to draw gestures with ease.
5 hours ago
Objects and Environments
Learn to use blobs, grids, and perspective techniques to draw diggers and scenes with depth, even when combining multiple perspective systems.
5 hours ago
Project - Simplify from Observation
The first project of the Drawing Basics course is to challenge yourself to simplify the shapes, edges, and values of a pear or portrait from observation. I provide you two photo options over in the downloads tab. Being able to simplify is a very useful skill to be able to communicate clearly in your drawings.
6 hours ago