Level 1 demos are done and it's time to move on to level 2! In this lesson, I show you how I would approach the level 2 CSI project.

This is my skull drawing. A bit scare of the bone, but feel happy that I gave a try
Rafael Rangel
My camel lost his feet! :(
Oh no! You can try this little measuring tip for the next long legged thing you draw-
rough in a couple of light lines for basic measurements before you start. This will help contain things to the size of the page.
Or, try drawing on a bigger paper! Drawing large is great and people love to see it.
Illia Cherkasov
First attempts at the skull and camel

I don’t think the shoe came out great but I’m not seeing why? I understand something is wrong with it but I can’t put my finger on it. I would very much appreciate any critiques, please and thank you.
It sort of looks like the right shoe instead of the left shoe because of the curve of the sole. Could be a touch too wide also. It feels a little more left shoe-like with the curve of the sole pushed over towards the right.

Found the boots to be the hardest of the four. I’ve been using a 4H to really help keep my contour lines super light. Having a hard time hitting the proportions just right. Also challenging to find the right balance between getting stuck in the details vs simplifying and getting the right contours onto the paper. Before demos
Ariana Peralta
my skull...what do you think?
Ariana Peralta
omg yes! I didn't even realized hahaha thank you so much :) <3

It came out awesome! The only thing I noticed is that you didn’t finish the line for the top row of teeth so it looks like there is a big hole in the mouth that doesn’t actually exist.
I'm really happy with this result! For a change, I focused on staying true to the assignment rather than just drawing to the best of my ability. I like how the lines for the belly and jaw turned out. One area for improvement is sharpening my pencil more often—I should have done that before drawing the rear legs.
Any tips are welcome!
Ariana Peralta
I like this thought! that's what I've been doing too, letting go of wanting to get a nice drawing and just enjoy the process...cute camel, he seems so happy
Ariana Peralta
Hey guys! I struggle with straight lines and did not realized my camel is leaning >.< What do you guys think?


hey guys, I thought it was going to be simple but what a nightmare 😧 canˋt get any proper Line and proportion for now, going to try harder

And the skull 🥵
Joe Burris
My second attempt at camel and skull. I only got part way through the video before the urge to draw came in and I decided to just dive back in and Im glad I did because I feel a lot better than my first attempt. Still lots to improve on but breaking sections up into smaller lines really helped me out.
This is a big improvement! Really nice work @Joe Burris. Keep practicing with long, light strokes. Your lines on the skeleton get a bit hairy in places, although these are much more loose than your first round, so keep up that momentum. You're on the right track!
Gera Mve
Level 2 after watching the demo!
I almost got out of space for the hat of the skull :s

Did after watching level 1 demo..
Blane Nasveschuk
CSI Level 2 Skelly. Some curves flowed smoothly. Found that straights were best for mapping out skull and spine. Connected straights into curves when it made sense.
Blane Nasveschuk
CSI Level 2 Camel (before watching video)
Ariana Peralta
this is so nice :) I love the details in your camel
look at mine omg I couldn't do more
Level 2 - before and following along with solution
Avocado Dealer
These were a bit harder but I still wanted to give them a shot despite my lack of knowledge in drawing

While drawing, I inadvertently forgot that shading isn't necessary for this assignment! I was keeping CSI in mind while drawing the lines, but next time I'll make sure not to add shading.

I drew a camel trying to keep in mind the CSI curve.
Tomasz Czana
Camel before, skull after. Trying to draw a line in one stroke is really tough, but it definitely shows confidence. Really enjoying this course so far!
You did great!
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About instructor
Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.