Michael Hampton
Los Osos
Educator, painter, writer, and art historian. Author of Figure Drawing: Design and Invention.
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Ron Kempke
added comment inDemo - Difficult Poses - Part 1
As interesting as this approach is in itself, can you elaborate how it would be used for finishing an illustration?
This is an analytical approach aimed at understanding what's there. It's not as focused on creating an immediately rendered figure (if that's what you mean by illustration?).
However, I do have plenty of videos on my YouTube channel that might help show this complete process. Here's a couple links. One is sped up and another narrated. Hope this helps.
If I'm missing your question entirely here please just let me know.
Michael Hampton added a new premium lesson
After 1.3 year of drawing from level 0 and another two months of perspective practice I’m finally in a place to do these exercises!! I’m so happy because FDD&I was the first art book I got and I was too much of a newbie back to even draw a circle. I had to discover axes and convergences and such. Anyway, I’ve waited for this moment, it’s one of my favourite books. :D
why didnlt you just enclud this with the regualr head drawing so we wouldnt have to keep buying it? at least the head antaomy.
Lux Lynn
Hello, I was looking to buy this course but I wanted to know if I should do Hampton's figure construction course first. What do you think?
minzhen liao
I have a question, does this thoracic spine line refer to the edge contour of the body or the direction of the thoracic spine?
Michael Hampton added a new premium lesson
Michael Hampton added a new premium lesson
Do you have any tips for placing the brow line? Any specific landmarks to look for? Your example seems to put it at the far corners of the eye socket, which seems lower than I'd expect. On this skull for example, that puts it below the keystone. I think I'm generally having a hard time identifying the eye socket on a real person.
I'd appreciate any advice on the way I'm approaching these measurements.
Asked for help
hello there, i just completed the course, and im very thankful for all the great knowledge imparted, its only my own limited brain power that is struggling with putting it to actual use. the traditional drawings are all referenced and the digital coloured ones are done from imagination. i tried to experiment with asymmetries in the digital ones but i seem to just make them skewed instead of achieving a natural look. sigh. still, i am very glad i took the course: now i have a solid understanding of how i am supposed to be building heads and not just winging it. thanks a lot, Mr Hampton, i will surely come back to this course and revisit the lessons <3