Andrew Joseph Keith
Andrew Joseph Keith
Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
Activity Feed
Alexander Sandeman
Super cool assignment! Should I be blending the clay together more for these or is it better that the primary shapes are more distinctive? Also, are my creations too flat? Thanks!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Really great studies! I would absolutely take these to a little more finished stage and try to work out things like anatomy from the reference. The make ecorche drawing is especially good to study closely and understand where the muscles are traveling from and to and how they move through space. I don't think they are too flat though the posture of the man from the side view could probably use some work. the female gesture feel more lively and accurate of a pose to me. Keep up the great work! there's also a in person workshop I'll be hosting. Idk if you'd be interested or if it's possible but here is a video with more info.
Alexander Sandeman
This was a really fun and rewarding assignment, thank you! I still tend to have a bit of trouble with creating dark indent lines in my creations (closed lip gap shadow, skin folds etc.), in this instance, it's the indents on the sides of the nose, something about them feels off to me. If you could give me any advice or even make a video at some point (unless there already is one that I don't know about), then that would be great!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey looking good! with the sharp creases and plane changes (like the wing of the nostril transitioning to the front plane of the face as you mentioned) observing the reference closely is really helpful. A lot of the time these "sharp" transitions are actually softer than we realize and making them overly sharp can make it feel unnatural. Usually it's better to have a transition between forms that's too soft rather than too sharp. these transitions also vary greatly as they travel so the crease is usually much sharper at the bottom of the nose and then softens a lot as it moves up and curls around the nostril. Hopefully this makes sense. Keep up the great work!
Roger Dial
Andrew here is the completed assignment for the Fat Pads of the face. Please critique. Thank you
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey this is looking great! really solid simplification of the head you're working on. Great job!
Andrew - Great class. Keep up the good work. I am a retired architect from the Philly area.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey this is looking awesome! I really like the anatomy studies! Idk if you'd be interested but I am doing an in person sculpting workshop in Iowa in June and here's a video talking about it. It might be something you'd be interested in. Keep up the great work and keep posting!
Roger Dial
Andrew here is my progress and completion of the "Sculpt a realistic skull" assignment. Please critique. Thank you.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey nicely done on this one! If I was going to give a critique I would say that the angle of the jaw looks to be a bit too close to 90 degrees, (a more obtuse angle of the jaw should look more natural) the mound of the mouth from the front view loos to be too wide so thinning that from side to side might help. From above it looks great. Keep It up it looks like you've been learning a lot!
K Goethal
Hey there! Here are my 3 armatures for this assignment: 11.75" (legs ended up a bit longer, aiming for 11.5"...learned the importance of measuring at least twice on this one!), 5.5", 3.25".
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! shoulders and hips look to be a bit wide so you might just bend the angle of the arms and legs a little closer to the spine, the neck might also be a bit long. Keep up the good work!
Alexander Sandeman
Hey there, here is my completed assignment for the finished head, do you have any advice when it comes to the degree to which the front of the cheeks should wrap around the side of the face? Also, aside from it not being perfectly symmetrical (I should generally work on this more), would you say there is anything at a glance wrong with the top view of the skull?
Andrew Joseph Keith
It's looking good but for an average I would make the nose a bit shorter and add the mound of the mouth, from above it looks really good, from the side view I think the neck could be more angled forward (it appears to be too upright) but overall a great study and it looks like you've learned a lot so far!
Jane Sun
I start to understanding the profile and outline through the structure and volume through this lesson. I can put a piece of clay on it to make the outline appear, instead of mechanically tracing it.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey yes this one is looking much better! Keep going and keep posting!
Jane Sun
I learned the basic profile of the head, also the position of the boss parietal, how the lineae temporalis ends through the Bodem Head
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done!
hi! thanks you for your lesson! i hope to listen your advice! have a nice day!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey wow this is looking really nice! the facial features are coming along great! the only critique I would give is perhaps the width of the back of the head is a little wider with a little more mass in that area. Other than that it's a great study and you're really improving greatly. Keep it up!
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