Andrew Joseph Keith
Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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Margareta Winny
added comment inBuilding Secondary Forms
Hello Andrew, I think building the secondary form slowly really takes a lot of my time so I thought I'd take it slow and show progress in this comment section as I go!! Here's my progress so far. Really love the assignment so far, so glad I decided to take on this course!
Hey I'm glad you've taken on the course as well and it's great to see your assignments! If I had to give a critique I might check the proportions as the legs feel a little short, the shoulders a little broad, and the arms a little long. Perhaps overlaying an image of your sculpture with an image of the pose in the early stages would help you capture those measurements more easily. Keep up the great work and I look forward to seeing more!
Cesar Barcenas
Hello, for now I only intend to document my process.
The simplified form of skelly, armor also from Loomis in his book "the figure in all its value" of the skeleton serves me very well as a block.
I also added Loomis' head, pelvis and a mini portrait of Apollo. Only the vertebral column and the head are made of aluminum frame hanging from another. The extremities are not subject to anything, I simply wanted to give expression to the masses
Margareta Winny
I love that the premium lessons I watched so far can be applied to many type of sculpting style and works, instead of only following one way of doing it. I've always been interested in more modern commercial sculpture like you find in games in Asia, so I thought I'd give the opportunity to utilize the space to share my progress and my work :) Will share more later on!
I can feel the improvement before and after taking the premium courses. The last image was when before I took the premium course, different character but the same IP.
Well, I'm excited about the possibilities of clay. When I started the portrait course I saw it as an additional resource, or some way to look at the problem from a different angle, after a long period of meditation I started to take the books and...
ok, I got too excited about cleaning my mini sculpture, especially because it was the piece and the head. I'll give myself some time to solve and push and I think I have an idea
Cesar Barcenas
Asked for help
As I was saying, the portrait is simple and as such, and personally, out of reach because I am a person with complicated thoughts (I don't even understand myself)
In this same train of thought, it occurred to me to give firmness to the support of the head, which is the figure, and I took some rigid cardboard, plasticine, and delved a little into anatomy with the idea of immersing myself in this vast terrain.
Well, it's just that!
A couple of books, anatomy and the desire to think a little before striking... thanks for the way, master! I am moving further and further away from my original problem (portrait and drawing) finding a happy solution to everything. At the same time, fascinated by the solutions I give and I owe that to you.
Octavio Magno
Asked for help
Hello everybody! Andrew!
So, the first four images in the batch I’m showing you, correspond to exercises I did in the middle of last year, after purchasing the course. Due to various circumstances, I didn’t follow through with the rest of the lessons or continue practicing at that time. This is all I got. I also don't remember much about the process, so I'm afraid I can't share with you a detailed explanation of what it or my mindset was like. However, I’m giving myself another shot at completing the course and wanted to share those first images as a sort of reference/point of comparison with what I am doing this time.
The last three are of my most recent practice results. Each one took between 45 minutes and 1 hour to complete. First I tried to get a rough general shape of the skull and neck, while adding just a few details, like de jawline. This took me just around thirty minutes. As I wasn’t satisfied with the look at this stage, I decided to continue working on it for a few more minutes, making adjustments, adding a few more anatomical landmarks like the volume in the forehead and the cheekbones, finalizing the profile with the smallest details of the face, and the ears at the very end.
Additionally, all exercises were done before watching the demos by Mr. Andrew.
What do you think? I would welcome and appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
Margareta Winny
Asked for help
Hello, I tried to apply to keep the figure more thin and I think it allows me to focus more on the "movement of gesture" and the rhythm if that makes sense. I think it's a bad habit of mine and I'm constantly working on it is that I always wanted to go in and make it look detailed first without thinking of gesture. I think I am ready to move onto the next lesson which is doing it from master studies. Also the reference is from photo model book reference I bought that allows me to see from many angles.