Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2
Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2
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Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2

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Assignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2

Course In Progress

Give it a try! Try and replicate the process Phil demonstrated.

Start varying it up and extruding in different directions.

Whether you are advanced or a beginner, do your best to add in the cracks and details. It is getting you sensitive to how details conform to forms and we will develop it more and more as we go through the course.

Okay, go draw rocks.

Deadline - submit by Mar 05, 2025 for a chance to be in the critique video!

J. Menriv
Melted Pancakes - Part 2
Rachel Dawn Owens
Woah. You even curved the clouds, giving the image a sorta fisheye lens look.
Dedee Anderson Ganda
Imagining terrain from blank is harder than I thought. I realized after focusing more on some other area for awhile, I get lost what the previous forms supposed to be in terms of whether the planes were supposed to be roofs or walls so I ended up tone the walls for clarity.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Woah. This one is fun
Viacheslav [ki-Vi] Polianskii
And some inking, detailing 😋 my sci-fi-esque pancake approach!) planing to make many more of these! Pancakes - perfect for environment, blobs - for things that fill it!)
Miqdad (Mick Dad) Ali
I got really into part two of the melted pancakes project. I ended up creating a dashed line brush so I could draw the back facing parts of my objects quicker. I also threw in some shading in the end to try and separate some of the forms.
Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
I am already over the deadline since I am doing the anatomy course as well - but I still wanted to upload my assignment. Regards!
Melted Pancakes assignment! Did some thumbnails prior to the final piece, initially thinking this would require more thought, however as I did it, the mountains started to come more naturally, like a stream of conciousness, and in the end i felt like i didnt even need the initial thumbails. I think this is a great thing to practice when you have artblock or you need a nice quick environment for a scene.
Shayan Shahbazi
"land of no-land" some fun melted pancakes.
Jovi Thomas
I had a lot of fun with this assignment. Normally when I draw organic shapes I overthink things, but this method has really helped me in making the process more fun.
Shefali Garg
Was hard but managed to make some rocks. Was able to add some cracks too, tried them digitally. Was fun doing digitally
This assignment was really fun! It was great exercise for my mind, specially because it made me realize how many things I still don't understand. "The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know." I had to draw the coins outside of the frame to roughly estimate how much of the surface of the pancakes can be seen. It was also really difficult to know how distant the pancakes are from eachother. I can see some mistakes, but many mistakes are still hidden for my eyes. But for a first time drawing something like this, it think it's great. Grand Canyon, fear me! I will draw you, too.
Just for fun, I did a study from one of my screenshots from playing "Breath of the Wild". Looking at the two side-by-side, I wish I had made the tower on top of the mountain in the center of the image WAY smaller than I did. Any other critiques much appreciated
Linus Lehmann
Mon Barker
As a geologist by profession, this assignment was close to my heart. Some great tips by Philip in there and this was a neat exercise for practicing forms, designing on the fly and making things look 3D….lots of little learning clicks as you just draw. These are my final efforts inked over pencil with lots of erased poor designs and dead ends….lost the construction unfortunately. Some discussion in the video and notes on cracks, how they originate and how they are distributed….I’ll have to bite my tongue and spare you the details but to be honest, expert knowledge of subject matter kind of gets in the way…you get distracted by non-visually meaningful logic busts that would only matter to another boffin 😂
Sita Rabeling
🤩Love these!
Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
These are cool!
Johannes S.
Very cool work!
Guadalupe Belgrano
This exercise was very fun and challenging, as it allowed me to test my skills. I usually work more with curves than with straight lines (and often feel that my drawings lack structure), which is why this method made the process easier. I started with a sketch on A5, then another on A4, where I added faces and characters, which made the work a bit more complicated, but also helped me identify my challenges. I thought about reinterpreting "The Garden of Earthly Delights" (Bosch) with this technique, but I didn’t have time to do it. Finally, I made another drawing on brown paper, and painting both drawings was a challenge as I tried to maintain the volumes and shapes, but I enjoyed the process in the end.
Melanie Scearce
Wow, love that you took this to finished illustrations. I very much enjoy the mushroom landscape painting. They both look amazing, great work!
Minqi He
These were pretty fun to work on, much easier than the name in One Point perspective. Which is something I tried 4x and realized I messed it up each time. Hopefully the more we work on this course, the better I'll get at doing these.
Here are my melted pancakes 😆 I had a lot of fun doing this exercise, which I will definitely do again in the future! It's a great way to boost creativity, so happy to know it, thank you very much for all these high quality videos
Hii, heres my attempt with the pancakes! I got a bit carried away with the details on the first one so I tried to set a time limit with the other two. I had a lot of fun with this assignment, but definitely need more practice with it. :)
Rachel Dawn Owens
The textures look amazing
Renee Ing Akana
My pancakes made me crazy. I'm enjoying them, more to learn about them
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