Project - Simplify to CSI

Course In Progress

Project - Simplify to CSI

Course In Progress

Download the photo reference images and try to simplify them using CSI lines. Draw each line with a focused and intentional path.

Your pace should be quick, but not rushed.

For this exercise, we will just consider the individual segments of the contour of a shape.

Same instructions for level one and two. Just a difference in difficulty of reference. The level two photos have more fun little tidbits to tempt you to get into the details, but fight the urge and simplify.

Also, no shading in these please. This is not meant to be a portfolio piece.

C = C Curves
S = S Curves
I = Straights

If you'd like to have a chance to be included in the upcoming critique videos, you must submit your drawings below by February 16th

Joran Gagnon
Hi, this is my first real drawing, I am kinda proud of it! I did this before watching any demo. I think I did a good job to get the shape but it was difficult in the antenna area. I'd like some feedback and maybe some advice. Thank you a lot!
David Lightle
Done before Demo... Pay no mind to the coffee stains :)
Caden Young
any feedback welcome
Melanie Scearce
Great use of varying line weights in this. Your lines look amazing! You did a great job simplifying overall. There's a lot of movement in these because they are very curve dominant. I think that is a really interesting stylistic choice. It sort of reminds me of old school animation style of the 30s -- bouncy and loose. If that's not what you're going for, introducing more straights into the mix can help add structure and temper some of that looseness. Too many straights though will make your drawing stiff. You could try experimenting with the mix of curves and straights while simplifying and see how it affects your drawing.
Drawings of the snail, boot, and Skeleton, before watching the demo. The snail wasn't too bad, the shoes were tough getting through the laces. The Skeleton was fun, and while I felt confident with the face and the hat the neck and sternum were hard. I felt like I could have done alot more but I mostly put simple shapes to represent the disks of the spine.
zach nason
went and did the snail and boots think the snail came out pretty decent but them laces on the boots were tricky
Michael de Graaf
This was fun.
Michael de Graaf
The laces were confusing and overwhelming, my brain made up some lines and they might not make sense in my portrayal right boot was done after watching demo, critique, and taking a break i love snails, I actually have several (hundred) as pets! if anyone can explain how to simplify the laces or not get lost in the details, that would be great <3
Melanie Scearce
Did you say several HUNDRED snails? That's so cool haha. Where do they all live? Your lines look a lot more confident in your second boot. In areas of complex detail I think the best thing to do is slow down and just go as fast as you're able to think. Even if you feel like you're going too slow, don't rush yourself. When your thoughts get jumbled so will your lines. Speed will increase with practice so best to form good habits in the beginning, which will compound over time. I think you did a great job with this project. Your snail looks awesome!
I tried my best for the snail. Hope to have some critiques. I'll try the boots and after the level 2.
Rachel Dawn Owens
This snail has great shape design and proportion. The next level might be to try using fewer marks. Keep them loose. Good luck with the boots!
Tried my best here, this is before watching the demo
Rachel Dawn Owens
I love the looseness of your drawings. The way you pushed proportions looks really cool.
Snail and boots done. Made a second version of the snail with different brush to try a different line quality (I kept similar base lines). I think it's a bit better with the second version. Also made two versions of the boots, one with laces and one without. Laces seem fine (except top left where I clearly lost patience lol) but also a bit off : I used the same brush as base contours but smaller and I'm not sure if it was a good idea.
Wow, love the linework on these
Its not completely finished but I could not bring myself to draw the entire neck.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Wow! It’s looks awesome! You even got the teeth looking nice!
Michael de Graaf
Had to really resist going into details and shading when drawing the boots.
I hope to do as well as you, thank you for showing these
Melanie Scearce
Nice simplification, these look clean!
Devon Smith
Sorry for the bad picture. Was in a time crunch today but wanted to get the assignment done. I’m not happy with this so I will definitely come back and do the other levels to the project.
Martha Muniz
I like the simplicity you found! Just remember to incorporate a variety of the different types of lines, especially more I's (straights).
ok just gona stop with is one and move on for now, chicken feet isn't my problem with this one anyway.
Sasindu Bimsara
Used a mechanical pencil. Tried my best to keep the lines confident but I don't think proportions are correct in any of the drawings (When drawing boots I even changed the position and direction of some shoe laces to make it look right.)
think i will redo this one tomorrow, didn't go like i wanted.
Basil Godevenos
I vote the whole world just switches to velcro.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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