Weekly Thumbnail Challenge
Gannon Beck
When I was doing my Alex Ross Kingdom Come master study, I came across his original thumbnail in "Mythology, The DC Art of Alex Ross."
I'm sure this little sketch only took a few minutes, but so much about what makes the final piece amazing, is right there from his initial conception.
Thumbnailing is one of the most creative parts of the picture making process. When staring at the white of a blank sheet of paper, the possibilities are infinite. As soon as the first mark is made, it starts to become specific, literally making something from nothing--creation in its purest form.
For many, me included, this part of the process is intimidating, but like anything else, we can get better at it with practice.
As 2024 draws to a close, I'm nearing the end of my scheduled master studies. From them, I learned a lot about the painting process. The next step as we start 2025, is to apply what I've learned from that process to my own original compositions.
But what to paint?
In this thread, I plan to develop a thumb-nailing habit, and from the library of ideas I intend to generate, to pick a few to complete as paintings. I love comics, so you'll see a lot of comic book cover concepts from me, but it doesn't need to be limited to that.
As this is a good habit for all of us that are interested in picture making, this is an open thread anyone can join in. No finished pieces here, just rough concepts--the first efforts you make when wrestling with the blank page or canvas.
Good luck! I hope you join in.
I try to do these on my days off, and since I had to work the weekend, my habit was interrupted.
I still managed to get two done.
Sunday thumbnail sketches.
I was wanting to do 100 of these Superman sketches to get to 10 concepts worth developing, but as I I already see ten that I think are worthwhile, I might just do one more week of these then make my decision. Doing more and more is just starting to feel like procrastination.
Sunday morning thumbnail sketches. This gets me to 39. As I only plan to develop one in ten of these I'm hoping to have four winners out of all the Superman thumbnails I've done so far in the thread.
Monday thumbnail sketches. I'm about 1/3 of the way there. I want to develop 100 ideas before I pick any for development.
This is a comic book project I don't have a ton of time for, but I just whittle at it a little bit on Sundays. Tonight I finished my first pass on the thumbnails for the second issue of a four issue series.
I still need to clean up a lot here, but I'm happy to be making progress on it.
Here are the thumbnail sketches of a children's book project I'm working on with some friends. The book is about a little boy super hero that repels an alien invasion.
While these thumbnails might be hard for anyone but me to understand, just getting something down is a critical part of the process. It was mentally exhausting, but I was able to do it in just over two hours. The white of a blank page--not to mention a whole book--can be intimidating and I find that even a rough scribbly start does a great deal to tame it.
I'm glad I'm getting thumbnailing into the schedule. This is a muscle that needs to be worked out regularly.
I'm trying to do three of these on every day I have off.
Here are the ones from today.
More Superman thumbnails from me. I want to build a good comic book portfolio that is painted traditionally, so coming up with lots of concepts to choose from is a goal I have with these sketches.
Another cool thread! I am still to do something for the watercolor one but I am in for this one, too!
Here is the first entry from me. I am drawing these only a few days after the release of James Gunn's Superman teaser trailer. Because I was six when the Christopher Reeve Superman movie came out, becoming a Superman fan was all but inevitable for me.
Again, I don't know if I'll develop any of these further, but that's not the point. The point is to generate lots and lots of ideas.