Demonstrations of 30 second gesture quicksketch


Hard to keep up but enjoyed it none the least! Any feedback would be great!
Filippo Galli
Drew along with the video and did a few more 2 minute ones.
Once again, they could be a lot better but I struggle so much with getting my hand to go where my head wants; it's hard to keep up.

Daniel Oliveira
Hello! I have mad respect to everyone who is able to do this well, because this is one of the concepts I struggle with the most. Please, I really need feedback, I feel like my brain can't see/understand the basic concept behind it. I can't finish my 30 secs scetches on time and I don't like my end product. What am I missing? Find below an example of 15 sketches of 30 secs each

It takes time man, I feel like I’m barely grasping the concept as you can see my work below. Make sure you do 5 mins scribbles just to warm up before, it makes a huge difference. Your second page looks like you’re going in the right direction. It looks way more loose and fluid. From the video the 30 second sketches will look basically like stick figures but that’s ok as long as they don’t look stiff. Remember C and S curves is what we’re using to build these. One of my biggest issues was never exaggerating enough and making it look too much like the photo. Trust me I have books upon books of mediocre sketches. If you can look up Michael Hampton, his method for gestures is a bit simplified but really helps in improving your craft. I hope that helps. Peace out bro -Andrew

Nicole Guz
hi ! How do you guys do gesture drawing digitally? it seems off for me

What exactly seems off to you?
A lot of people have trouble getting used to drawing on a screen/tablet. There are screen protectors that add a slight bit of texture that seems to help some people.
There is also this website which has a training "game" to help you adjust.

Hello, here are some 30 sec gesture quick sketches I did. Any critique is welcome. Thanks for looking.

30 second quickposes. please feel free to critique me. I would love some feedback on what I can do better.
You nailed it. These are perfect for 30sec drawings. If you wanted to add another challenge, you could try using more straight lines. This gives the figures more structure.
I like to ground the figures by suggesting the ground plane as well.
Keep up the good work 👍
Gannon Beck
30 second quick sketches. You can't lose focus for a second on these.
Wondy Clavien
Ash Chung
I like how the time restriction had you reduce the neck, torso, pelvis and leg to just one big sweep. Nice.
50 thirty second figure drawings, changed from my tripod grip to my overhand grip, still getting used to it, couldn't finish some of them because I feel my brain is still getting used to the new grip, any feedback is appreciated!
Ian Brewer
Here are some 30 sec, from the the examples, and some 30 sec and 2 min session. Any feedback welcome. I know I tend to draw the head too small, or if i start with the head i end up drawing the body too large. Going to try to be more aware moving forward.
Beautiful work! You have lovely rhythms all throughout. I think once you start getting to the longer poses with more time for description, keep an eye out for ways to communicate the depth and form of the figure. You can use the cross contour lines you already have to really showcase how the figure is moving forward or backward in space. Key points to look for are at changes/twists in angle or at the peak of the form, so the hips and chest are good places to look at. You can also take a look at how the figure lands on the floor plane, even exaggerating the space between to add depth to the pose.
first attempt at 30 sec. some went over time a bit
Some 30 sec poses with a pen (at work)
Some 2 min gestures with a pen
30 Second Poses, critiques are welcome!
Anthony Scott
This is a good exercise. 30 seconds is barely enough time to sketch the pose but this is exactly the goal I am striving for use in animation production.

30 second poses from the examples here, and also some from other reference. I always run out of time and lack a limb lol. Critique is welcome.
Account deleted
here are my 30 second gestures. I have been practicing for a few days trying to get back into drawing this quickly. I wasn’t as used to it anymore so this practice was really good for me. any feedback is appreciated

angelina andreas

angelina andreas
Justin Phelps
starting off slow because I'm trying to get back into the habit of gestures and wow these kinda hurt >< especially on a digital medium. I'll post again around the end of the week for the 30 second gestures to see what the results are and any feed back I get is appreciated!
Leonardo Ferretti
I'm sharing with you the 30-second gesture pose exercise. I'm not happy with the results, but maybe you can help me understand if the drawings are good and what they need to get better. I tried to stick with capturing motion, but sometimes I was concentrating too much on each single element of the figure.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.