Warmup - Circles

Course In Progress

Warmup - Circles

Course In Progress

Give them all a try! Once you find a few you really like, add them to your daily warmup routine and practice them… a lot.

Dylan Jagiello
Merry Lee Sharin
General poll: Do you tend to make your circles clockwise? counter-clockwise? And are you right or left handed? I haven't discovered a strong disposition toward making clockwise circles (I usually start at the bottom) or counter-clockwise (then I usually start at the top). I'm generally stronger on my left, but write & draw with my right hand (I'm old enough that being left-handed wasn't "allowed")
I’m right handed when I write or draw and usually go counter clockwise starting at the top. But depending on the task I can switch between left and right pretty easily.
The following a previously drawn circle exercise is pretty hard - so is trying to draw it within a given shape. After 3 or 4 sheets of nothing but circles, I started adding them into and around perspective boxes. XD
These are circles of my warmup! It was fun to draw a lot of circles, but the works are a little bit scary...
Drawing circles is too hard. I can see myself making progress with straight lines, but circles I don't know if I'm making progress.
Tommy Pinedo
Did the circle warm up exercise but added mushrooms and more! I added it some ellipses as well. You might recognize some familiar characters! :D
J. Menriv
Warm-Up: Circles (on a cheap notebook)
Great warmup, ir doesn't matter how far you go. Circles are important.
Circles drills any advise would be appreciated.
I hate circles
Tom Goul
Circles are really important. I start with an HB pencil, then switch to a coloured pencil and then follow up with a micron pen so I get triple the amount of circles on the same page. Draw your circles from right to left and then go in the opposite direction. One direction will feel more natural to you but train yourself in both directions. Keep up the good work.
Made some circles
Its nice warming up with circles, i find a little bit boring doing with pacience but need to keep up.
Jack H
It was a nice reminder to warmup circles. Usually I just draw them without warming up first, and they look awkward.
Giovanni Mackie
Any tips on how move my arm around when making small to tiny circles?
Diana Sorin
Circles on top of circles, I also ghosted on top of some them. let me know what you think!
Zander Schmer-Lalama
Hey! I really like this warm up! I did a mash up of cookies and donuts for the first page, which I think I did alright on. The second page I try to do Micky Mouse ears…didn’t do the best on them and they look more like bears lol. Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Have a great rest of your day.
ryan morigeau
can we, should we drag our pinky finger for stability?
I also used my little finger for stability. However, the problem for me was the edge of the paper. There is also the risk of smudging your drawing with your finger. So in my opinion, it's best to practise without.
Alex Watson
My shoulder feels like I just practiced my tennis serve for 2 hours haha
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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