Jack H
Jack H
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Jack H
Asked for help
Here's the level 1 submissions (Level 2 will be in the comments). Overall, I think I managed to capture the likeness of the images, but they seem to lack the energy or a nice flow. Also, each drawing took around 15-20 minutes, much longer than expected. Any feedback or critiques on how to improve on picking the correct lines to represent the rhythm will be deeply appreciated.
Jack H
These are my level 2 attempts. The restriction I gave myself was to complete within 5 minutes, with an overhand grip. No charcoal pencil for this one. Likewise with level 1, they likeness is there, but the rhythms are lacking. I think I also struggle with picking the correct rhythms to draw when a time limit is applied.
Jack H
My last set of 10 before moving on to the next lesson. 5 were from reference, 5 were from imagination. I think my shapes definitely have improved compared the the first few seals I drew. It is tough to figure out the right shape to use, but once you get it, its quite fun.
Jack H
Tried to draw some from memory, others from imagination. I think I still lack experience in determining the right shape to make it look interesting, so some drawings did not come out well. However, I had some lucky guesses which made some look pretty good. Still have to work on drawing interesting shapes though.
Jack H
Did another 10 after watching the demo. I think I've loosened up a bit as the more dynamic poses look okay. But the weird poses (especially those round ones) do still pose quite a challenge!
Jack H
Did 10 level 1 drawings and 10 level 2 from imagination. Honestly, it was quite fun as I felt the shape of the sea lions and otters were a good mix of organic and clear shapes. Designing the shapes for them was not overly challenging but did also require some thinking. Overall, I think they turned out okay, but some of the drawings may be lost the form of the original animal. Also, I feel like my shapes could be pushed a little further, but am not sure how to do so. Would really appreciate any feedback or critique! Thank you!
Jack H
Here are the references used.
Jack H
I found eyeballing to be less stressful and more comfortable. The idea of not having to be extremely precise, like with measuring, allows me to drop down a general shape (or a guess), and slowly fix the parts that don't seem to fit. This workflow is more intuitive to me as I have a preference to "feel around" rather than making sure each line is the precise place it should be. Will still try to measure though, I got sloppy when drawing the woman, which lead to her features being squeeze vertically.
Jack H
I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it, but measuring still takes up so much time. And one small mistake can just throw off the angles of large sections of the drawing. I noticed I have a tendency to "flatten" the tilts of the angles, which I shall try to mitigate in future drawings.
Jack H
It's still pretty difficult to accurately choose the proper units to use, but I think I'm slowly understanding how to do it. I'm still using a bit of guesswork and estimating, but I'm getting there! Surprisingly, I thought I measured the man pretty accurately, but when I compared it, it was quite off. I think a wrong angle somewhere just compounded into more and more mistakes, causing the eyes and nose to be of the entirely wrong angle. Oh well, time to practice more.
Jack H
Did the musketeer and another additional reference from Grafit Studio. The main challenge I faced was finding the correct units to measure out the proportions with. Especially for the woman, I couldn't find any noticeable units between the landmarks and ended up guessing the proportions by first drawing the general shape with the angles and fixing it after. Also, I also added too much detail for the purposes of this project. I should have kept the shapes simpler I think. Any other feedback/advice is welcome!
Jack H
There were some hits and misses with this set of practices. I find that I might be trying to focus on all the different pointers at once, which makes the result a little lost. However, I do think that this attempt is better in terms of the shapes explored compared to previous tries. Still need a lot of practice though.
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