Traditional hobbyist - doodled on and off for years, drawing daily since late 2020.
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One point perspective room with an impractical sink (or very practical if there are any dirty books) and a cubic ... cat? I noticed that the perspective lines easily come darker and darker while going back and forth. Perhaps the book case and couch took too much of the room - could've fitted in more things but I stopped here to not clutter everything up too much. :)
Rachel Dawn Owens
shat you got so far is looking good. The boxy flower in the window is my favorite part.
Aubrey Hannah
This is my first time following along with a Proko assignment, and I think I did pretty well. I've had a bit of practice before starting this course, but I do think I could use a little more work in the area of value and shading.
I think you got the lighter values well (especially in the bottom left image)- you don't have border lines between the value areas, which is really nice! Perhaps the shadow area on the pear could be somewhat darker in spots touching the shadow on the table.
Boxes, boxes everywhere :D
Gloria Wickman
I think the hardest part for me is that I keep falling into essentially doing a quick sketch of the contour instead of really focusing on rhythms. Its a bit of a weird feeling because when I watch the demos it seems obvious what to do and then when it comes to doing it myself I keep reverting back to contour. I tried to push and push myself more and more to focus on rhythms instead, so the later drawings will look more "simple" than the first ones. I also think that my control over line quality is not good and that also contributes to the rhythms not having the smooth, flowing feeling that I'd like them to have. I think my greatest strength in these is that many of them do feel firmly grounded, which was exciting because i usually tend to draw figures that feel like they're floating. I didn't time myself strictly but I tended to go around 7 minutes per sketch and did them in several sessions.
It's hard for me to not fall into the contour following either. It think you did a good job finding the spine curve in many of these - that'll be a helpful skill later :)
Asked for help
I really really liked this exercise - albeit the messy results. I drew them twice. These are from the second time. B-pencil - I tried to do the overhand grip - it's challenging to control the pressure and line width with it. I erased a lot started adding unnecessary details towards the end. 2 poses per one side of 9x12 inch paper, except my two fave poses with got their own whole sheet on thicker paper. :)
Melanie Scearce
Keep at it! The overhand grip is a big adjustment but it's worth it for the range of motion and resulting flow.
Keeping the lines loose and flowy gets harder the more complex the pose is. I tried to identify gesturelines (turned out to be more action-line focused) and then draw the shape around the motion with one side more fluid and the other with more nooks. With the last image I think this was not working out very well, but there's something almost like a beginning of a spider there. :)
3 phases and then some corrections in phase 4 for the final overlay. I also switched to a darker pencil because I couldn't get a decent digital comparison with phase 3 drawing otherwise. I think in phase 3 it became apparent that the clothing was not in the right place (too much to the left) I also tried to fix the shoulder but it's still clearly off. As for the face, I noticed that I had straightened the tilt - while doing the overlay the overlay I had to rotate the paper for around 2 degrees counter clockwise to see if the proportions otherwise matched. The hat's not quite right - on the face I think the main issue is the mouth being a bit too high. While the digital shenanigans got a little tricky (I use gnuIMP) this was fun - I love faces :D
Watched demos and critique. Eyeballing feels more natural to me, though I could certainly benefit from more measurements outside of the face I think. (I've been drawing faces by eyeballing a lot but honestly I go more with gut than measurements) Did two more - a smiling man portrait (photo from unsplash by Samrat Khadka) with heavier emphasis on measurements*) and Janelle Monáe eyeballed from her video Yoga. Both have issues with the shoulders. I must've started to tilt the paper (11x14 inches) towards the end. Janelle's hair is an easy fix. I was surprised to see I drew her right eyebrow than much lower. Otherwise eyeballing felt like a breeze compared to the measuring. *) Pencil and ref on computer screen. Printing the ref out on paper might be a better method
Okaey KGZ
I haven't picked up a pencil since I was 18 years old, and I decided to learn how to draw again with this training program. For my first drawing in Procreate, I tried to create shading by just increasing the pressure without adjusting the color, using an HB pencil.😅😊
I think you did a really nice job on this. The lines are pretty neat and the areas of shadow and lighter parts well defined. There might be more of darkest shade spots that could go on to the lower parts of the pear but that's a minor nit. :) Awesome that you've decided to start drawing again!
Asked for help
The following a previously drawn circle exercise is pretty hard - so is trying to draw it within a given shape. After 3 or 4 sheets of nothing but circles, I started adding them into and around perspective boxes. XD
I stuck to mainly level 1 - this was even harder than the CSI lines, imo. I went over the 10 shapes limit a couple of times. Ref list outside of the ones given in the assignment: Unsplash: - Wolf by Milo Weiler - Cobra by Asad Ys - Owl by Sonder Quest - Leopard by Gwen Weustink Cat and Young seagull photos by me
Aubrey Hannah
Wow, your simplifications are some of the best I've seen on this page! I also use Unsplash as a source for my own drawings.
Merry Lee Sharin
I LOVE the visualization of the water buffalo horns as infinity symbols! I will never be able to see them as anything else!!!
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