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Asked for help
Feels like things are starting to get easier…but now that I’ve posted them don’t know if I’m still too contoured… such a hard habit to break!
Awesome work, Mel!
Thanks for the critique Micheal that was very helpful!
Merry Lee Sharin
General poll: Do you tend to make your circles clockwise? counter-clockwise? And are you right or left handed? I haven't discovered a strong disposition toward making clockwise circles (I usually start at the bottom) or counter-clockwise (then I usually start at the top). I'm generally stronger on my left, but write & draw with my right hand (I'm old enough that being left-handed wasn't "allowed")
I’m right handed when I write or draw and usually go counter clockwise starting at the top. But depending on the task I can switch between left and right pretty easily.
Dylan Jagiello
Eliza Ilanova Master Studies
These are so cool! May I ask who is the artist you referenced for the first and last one?
Well…these gestures made me want to throw my sketchbook across the room :) Don’t know if I’m getting the gesture or if I’m making it too outlined. Hopeful that with more practice they will feel less frustrating and more fun to do!
I have no advice, but I think these all look so so cool. They make my eyes happy lol.
Mr. Hampton would I be correct in assuming that you are using photoshop to do these lessons? Do you ever use procreate? And if so, is there a brush that you prefer when doing gesture? Or any tips for creating one that is more responsive to pressure? It seems like you’re able to create light lines and build weight up on them so nicely. And the shading goes from grey to black as you build. I feel like no matter how much I adjust the settings of my brush im getting heavy pigmented/black line sooner than I would like.
Michael Hampton
Yes, I'm using Photoshop! No, I've never used procreate. I'm sorry I can't be more help.
Asked for help
Hi! Here’s my submisssion :)
Yay! So excited for this course. In school gesture was one of the things I never felt like I could get quite right. I knew my instructors wanted more movement, less stiffness but I was lost on how to get there. The more I tried the more frustrated I got. Really hoping this helps me out!:) How often will new lessons be released?
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