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added comment inProject - First Steps to Mastering Gesture
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So this was a difficult project for me.
It took me some time. Drawing form imagination in particular was out of my comfort zone.
Also I got the feeling that my focus was too much on contours.
However, I have seen, were I have the most problems:
- in which way do I create matching wrapping lines
- how to do foreshorting and perspective corretly
- getting proportion of legs and arms right
Like always, feedback appreciated :)
Thank you for the critique video.
Very helpful. I tried again after watching and I´m happy with the result so far.
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Hello, here is my assignment.
It looks as if they have become a little too wide.
Looking forward to the next lessons.
I think it turned out wide because you started iff with quite a wide head, almost square, and so when you doubled that to get the width of the torso, the whole figure became a little stalky. But I actually quite like the stylized look ;)
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I'm still struggling with my lines. They have a tendency to get chaotic if I don't stay focused. So I tried again and this are my lvl1 seals now. Next is the Demo.
I tried before watching the demo and I must say, I´m quite satisfied with my progress. It just took me ages to measure :)
Now the demo.
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Quite the difficult task for me. I have the feeling I start with to much measurment and switch to mostly eyeballing after some point.
Great job overlaying your drawings on the reference images to check yourself! On the Musketeer, I think you have the proportion of the eyes to the hat, and the nose to the mouth pretty much perfectly. The nose though is a bit long, which is making the overall face a bit too long, and probably too wide because of that as well. I think if you had shortened the nose you would have been spot on with that one. With the lady, the angle of her eyes seems to be what threw you off. Keep practicing with your angles and you'll keep improving. Great work :)
ryan morigeau
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can we, should we drag our pinky finger for stability?
I also used my little finger for stability. However, the problem for me was the edge of the paper. There is also the risk of smudging your drawing with your finger. So in my opinion, it's best to practise without.
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At the beginning, I didn't know exactly who I wanted to study, so I looked around.
My references are the following artists:
#1 Christopher Mitten
#2 Yuusuke Murata
#3 Eliza Ivanova
#4 Junji Itō
1. My first try in this study. The proportions aren’t correct, but it was a good start.
2. Here, I wanted to study the hair and the outer contours. With this alone, it took me some time to draw it. Also, I noticed when I sketch in color it feels more... natural for me, if that makes sense.
3. Looking at Eliza Ivanova’s work, it’s stunning to me. I focused on one hand because I had difficulties with it.
4. The last one from Itō was unsettling, but i think that’s the point of Itō's work. However, I really liked the flow and force of the work so I tried to recreate it.
Overall, I still have the feeling that my line quality is sloppy. But the master study is a good way to learn new things. I will continue with some more and maybe focus on one artist.
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First is shadow, the second one is importance. Drawn digitally for a change. Normaly I prefer the feeling of paper. But it was a fun exercise :)