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added comment inFigure Drawing Critiques - Gesture
My examples of gesture drawing include those I did before the demo, following the demo, and after critique. There are some poses I like and others I don’t. I’m wondering if I should try 5- or 6-minute gesture sessions to take more time to analyze my mistakes, understand why my poses feel stiff, and work on improving line quality (since it currently looks messy), or if I should stick to 2- or 3-minute gesture sessions and rely on consistent practice to help me improve.
This is my additional example. After creating 4 pieces, I noticed that I always drew the brow too low and had issues with the angle of the eyes. I'll try to focus on these areas next time
Janou Baarda
Asked for help
This was great. Decided to finish the banana monkey in the left under. Thnx for the inspiration and good lesson Stan!
When I followed the demo, the exercise seemed simple and fun, but creating my own shapes was much harder. I’m not completely satisfied with them. I guess I need more practice.
After watching the demo and critique, I finally understand what a "master study" means. I found some references my master likely used and created studies based on notes, trying to recreate six of his works. After this, I found my own references featuring the character my master drew (but in different poses/expressions, etc.), and at the end, I drew another character, trying to capture my master's style. I think I’ve managed to capture his line style but not the shapes yet, though I haven’t studied shapes yet, so I think that’s okay?