Diana Sorin
Diana Sorin
Activity Feed
Diana Sorin
Critique welcome - I realize after taking a photo of the drawing I should have focused on a smaller part of the kitchen to minimize distortion. Any feedback is welcome
Diana Sorin
I found this exercise to be difficult - what can I improve on?
Diana Sorin
I had to go over this twice since I kept sketching the animals. But here it goes...
Diana Sorin
Circles on top of circles, I also ghosted on top of some them. let me know what you think!
Diana Sorin
Please let me know what I can improve on-
Diana Sorin
Redo after my initial Pear - I made sure a concerted effort to do Value but do need more practice
Diana Sorin
First time getting out of my comfort zone - I usually don't know what to draw so these were helpful. Feedback would be most appreciated!
Diana Sorin
Hello Im a self taught artist - drawing on and off for the last 4 years. I realized that in order to improve I need feedback. Welcome many suggestions to improve!
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