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Did my best with the assignment but I felt like my proportions may have been a bit skewed especially on my attempt at the level 2 I hope I can improve on this with practice any advice is greatly appreciated
more boxes from the video I think I need to keep in mind relationships and do a bit more measuring
Portraits done after watching the demo I think I still need to keep focus on angles of the face as I think the second portrait is looking up more than it should be.
Some boxes and portraits I did after the project I feel like am spending too little time on the box phase planing things out that when I come to start adding parts of the face some features are not aligned properly or need to be altered ,but hopeful this will get better with practice. Any advice is appreciated thanks.
warm ups trying to stretch what I know about 2 point
In practice I found I need to be more aware of keeping verticals at a right angle to the horizon line especially when rotating the page ,but I feel that will come with practice.
Some more perspective practice I feel I'm getting there gradually
Practice done after watching the demo trying to come up with something awkward to figure things out I think I need to practice not getting too carried away with perspective that I forget line quality.
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