Bugs & SuggestionsImagesRepliesLast activityActivity
Can't access "Mastering the Skills"
By @j_lo
Just bought this second part of the Perspective course but can't access. Do I need to complete the first part first? Any help appreciated. Many thanks! J
1 day ago
Drawing Basics Curse - A Brief Lesson on Digital Tools for the Course
By Krystian Lis
I’ve been going through the Drawing Basics course. The first few lessons cover traditional art supplies and how to use them, but there isn’t much guidance on digital tools. Proko does mention that the course can be done digitally, but there’s no follow-up on how to set this up.
I think it would be really helpful to have a short, separate lesson covering the basics of working digitally. Things like recommended brushes, canvas size, and essential settings. Nothing too fancy, just a simple guide with the absolute essentials related to this course or maybe even a brush pack specifically tailored for this it.
I bring this up because I started the course digitally and initially struggled with figuring out which brush to use, and what the do’s and don’ts might be. I imagine others could face similar challenges.
I know that there is a course called Digital Drawing Fundamentals, but this feel advanced, and it even mentions that it is an intermediate course.
What do you think?
3 days ago
Value Study Tool on Firefox
By Róbert Czár
Can't upload any image:
I click on the "new image" button in the middle (clicking on the top left "new image" does not do anything); file upload dialog pops up; i select the image; the dialog closes but nothing else happens. i don't see any error in the browser console.
i use firefox on ubuntu
6 days ago
Possibly do an acrylics course? That would be nice
By Shadow
I can't use oil paint not because I don't want to but because it's not good for my lungs I use acrylics I would absolutely love a course in portrait or gestures you know all that stuff for acrylic paint. That would be awesome
6 days ago
Download limits
You need to up your download limit, or make it possible to download the entire course one has paid for.
3 weeks ago
An app please!!
Loving the new website Proko team! It’s fun, engaging and socially driven. What else could we need?
I think an app that would give us live notifications on comments, forum threads, new announcements and at mentions on the site would be great. It would make this experience that much more engaging and personal for each of us. And I think it would be a natural progression with the new more social dynamic of the website and overall proko community.
all in favor, say “I”.
Is this a good idea gang? Or am I a crazy man?
1 month ago
Manga-oriented course
By J B
It would be really interesting to get someone to do a full Manga-oriented course for the site. Someone traditionally famous like Naoki Urasawa (author of Monster and other popular manga series) or maybe a YouTube celebrity like DrawLikeASir. There's a lot of manga-specific subtleties that would be useful to learn in a specialized course and would create a nice parallel with the western-themed Marvel course that's being released.
1 month ago
Not able to access "The Gesture Drawing" course
By John Mullins
I bought this course last night and I haven't been able to access the lessons.
I hit the "continue learning" button but it just takes me to the overview page and not the lessons. When I go to my dashboard it says "You are not participating in any courses" but when I go to the "courses" tab it shows the course but it doesn't let me access the lessons.
please help :(
2 months ago
Videos wont play.
By John Dow
All Videos on every course says they are jpeg files and not video files. Yet once i log off and go to the free videos then they will play but log in simply just jpegs.
3 months ago
Scam accounts?
By J B
I was just recently followed by an obvious scam account (CashApp, Crypto, the usual stuff). However, there doesn't seem to be any functionality for reporting these or blocking them? Any suggestions?
The account in question is: https://www.proko.com/@usasmmhivej/activity
3 months ago
Skelly App on Google Play Games
By Jonatan
Very recently google launched Google Play Games beta which lets you run games and apps from google play on your pc, currently Skelly is not compatible but could it be possible for it to be updated to be compatible with Google Play Games to be able to use it on pc? I think the app would be extremely much more useful if I was able to take screenshots of the Skelly posed to draw over them in a Drawing Program, rather than taking screenshots from my phone and going through the hurdle of sending the images to my computer.
3 months ago
Timer Tool - beyond gesture?
By zan
Going through Stan's awesome beginner course at the moment, thought of this idea, figured I should throw it out there - it'd be really cool to have a place on the site to have a library of exercises and warmups. I'm imagining something you pull up when you first start out for the day, and it'd randomize an exercise for you. Today you're working on value. Next time, it gives you perspective exercises. etc. These could be basic ones that everyone knows that are just in the tool always, and/or miniature versions of the lessons from the paid material - just all collected in one spot and easy to peruse.
You could then get really fancy tracking consistency and suggestions for these various skills, but that may be further down the line.
I can go in more detail if that doesn't make sense, but it's fairly simple. Thanks for everything you all do!
4 months ago
Skelly app
Hello Proko team.
If a suggestion I may add you can implement into a future update to the Skelly app. Can you add a hinge to the jaw so it can open and close? What about an update to the fingers/thumb so they can individually move for study when posing.
also can there be an additional skeleton for the female?
thank you.
4 months ago
Less Adobe Software? Why must Proko be so Adobe centric?
I was just watching Color Mixing with Marco Bucci on Youtube. Great video, bought his book and colour mixing class on the strength of it. However, at one point he attempts to explain the differences in colour mixing in real life with actual paint vs. the same thing digitally. He explains that Adobe's Photoshop (which he and most professionals use and can afford) can't simulate real paint mixing whereas others (he gave Rebelle as an example, but I know Corel Painter can as well) could.
I can't afford the familiarity with Adobe products that the professionals can and prefer to use Rebelle and Corel Painter. As Marco said: they are different. They are cheaper, they do watercolor and they are not owned by an (allegedly) evil empire wanting to steal images to train the AI that seeks to replace artists.
How about a few less Adobe centric courses?
4 months ago
Conté 1710 B Pencil
Hi guys,
I have this little issues with my pencils.
after I sharpened them and try to shade with them and even on the point sometimes , it feels like there are those tiny hard pieces in the lead and it messes the shading process and give this scratchy feeling on the paper. Any suggestion ? Do I do something wrong ?
Thanks in advance guys.
4 months ago
Did they get rid of the blue "purchased" label on courses?
By Soul
There used to be a blue label where it would show which courses were bought in the classroom section :( anyone else having this issue?
I bought the figure course, anatomy, basics, and a few others in that picture but they don't show the label
4 months ago
Timer Tool improvements
By Jonatan
Hello, just got the image packs for gesture drawing references, and since I'm on a tablet when I work on my traditional drawing desk I thought the Proko Timer tool would be good for practice, I think the tool works fine but there is a few things I'd like to see improve.
1. Being able to select a "Class Mode" with the timer increasing after a few images, like in Quickposes.com, or other gesture drawing apps.
2. Selecting more than 25 images.
3. Being able to see the total session's lenght after selecting the image and timer parameters ex. "30s images, 40 images total = 20 mins session"
4. Show images in grayscale and upside down.
I think that's about it, I think it'd be really useful since I think the other gesture drawing websites's image pools are very limited and I would like to use the packs I bought from proko at it's fullest when I only got my phone or tablet to practice from. On my pc I have the Quickposes app which comes with all these options so when I get to my pc I use that since it lets me sample images saved in my pc (including the proko ones I bought), but on tablets and phones there isn't really something like this as far as I know.
5 months ago
Timer Tool Suggestion - Review Images from Session
Hey Proko Team,
I'm really enjoying the updates to the Timer tool with being able to download images and get information about the images. However, when I'm in the middle of going through a session, typically, the last thing I'm thinking about is pausing the timer and downloading the image or saving the pack it came from. Right now, it goes to the "Well Done" screen when finished but doesn't provide an option to look through the session images again. So, I would love to see a feature in the future to be able to go back through the images after you complete a session to review and perhaps download ones that I might want to take further than a gesture drawing.
7 months ago
How about skelly app on website ??
i really wish to have a skelly app on website where i can easily access on my computre while drawing. Also i would like to suggest a full muscular version of skelly. that would be amazing.
7 months ago
Can't download or watch PDFS
By Eran Shabi
getting ACCESS DENIED when trying to download, and an endless loader with a CORS error on console when trying to watch on page:
7 months ago
Way to identify favorite class and courses
Sometimes I want to listen again about a specific course because of my context : so may I suggest to add a way to add personal favorite may be useful.
8 months ago
Class suggestion - Advanced Portrait: Age progression
By Bob Davis
A course about how the face changes as a person gets older. If you are creating a character concept, how to show them at all different ages. What do they look like at 5, 11, 15, 18 25, 35, etc......
Or you could just add the content for Premium subscribers to the Portrait class :-)
8 months ago
Any future plans to include topics using AI for art?
By A J
I believe this decade 2020s will mark a milestone in art, including AI for art seems like a big deal where with simple words/sentences AI will be able to generate a piece of media. I have given it a try and the results looks great but at the same time I feel like I'm using someone's else style and I don't have much freedom unless I refined my words. I'm just someone who is learning and improving my draftsmanship by hand using traditional media. Although, I feel tempted on using AI to get ideas on designing something new out of imagination in future. By the way, the below image was generated with AI and I just randomly type the words girl eating a cookie and the results look neat but you may find some errors like her hand is awkward but the picture is good nonetheless.
8 months ago
Can the premium videos be cast to a TV
I'm able to cast the Youtube based videos to a TV. Can I do the same with the premium videos? Are they also staged on YouTube? Thanks.
10 months ago
Mentorship and Other Features
By @quitpayload
I just read a roadmap for what they plan to do with the Proko website and one of the things they mentioned among other things was allowing one on one meetings between an instructor and a student.
This roadmap was several years old and included a bunch of goals that as far as I know still haven't been reached. Such as a mobile app. Does anybody know if they're still planning to add these features?
10 months ago
App to be able to stream videos from phone to TV
By Charlene
Personally, to watch video content I prefer to stream it from my phone to my TV whilst I'm eating meals as I'm sort of multi-tasking and it keeps my attention span up. I generally watch the videos on Youtube because you can stream videos using the shared wifi that way. This is a long shot, but would the Proko team consider creating an app to be able to do that? If not, no worries and thanks for all the great work you do.
10 months ago
Unable to move picture on timer feature while on fill
By @aeyt
Currently, at least on firefox you're unable to move the picture while filled/zoomed in. This would be a nice feature to add since currently just zooms to the top part of the image.
1 year ago
Issue with Logging In With Old Account "Invalid email or password"
I tried logging in with my old account that I purchased the Torso section of the 'Anatomy of the Human Body' with, but I was unable to do so after the site update. Is anyone else experiencing this issue, and if so, what can I do to fix it?
I like the update, but I would like to access my course.
PS: I blurred out my old email for privacy. If any admin can help with this, I will gladly share it!
1 year ago
Unable to Select image packs for Timer tool.
I have noticed today I cannot select packs in the pop up window for the timer tool. I have tried in Chrome and Edge, both are experiencing this issue. I tried Chrome on both my mobile and desktop, and it seems to be the same.
1 year ago
Can't watch any video as premium member
By Daniel Dymek
Hello, as topic title suggest, I'm not able to launch any video on proko website. "Play" button is missing, there is only a still image not a link to a video. I'm using google chrome browser on my PC.
1 year ago
Beginner Image packs
By Darin
I just started the Drawing Basics course, and with the 12 days of Proko, I've been watching some of the live streams. It made me think that it would be really useful if there were some image packs, for use with the Timer tool, that contained images that would be easier for a beginner to use. I just got to the two week challenge, and I though something like the timer would be super helpful, if it had some simpler subjects.
1 year ago
Proko reference photos collections - copyright questions
By @thatguy
I have a few questions regarding the downloadable Proko reference photos from the Tools section.
Under what license exactly they fall in? What are the limits of their usage?
Say I have my own portfolio website for my drawings showcase (non-commercially). Can I use those photos to draw photorealistic 1-1 images that clearly (or very closely) depict the photo used,
as opposed to using them just for reference sake (getting pose, details)?
I'm thinking about purchasing some collections and just wanted to check how much freedom I'll have with them.
1 year ago
undo button for spam/flag?
I accidentally marked an image as spam when I was trying to look at the full size image (clicking on the 3 dots). Is there a way to undo that?
1 year ago
Adding a perspective category
By @vonun
i noticed that there is no perspective category and i think that one should be added.
Now that the basics course starts with it's perspective section it would be the perfect moment to add it.
1 year ago
Timer tool - reference names
Hi, love the timer tool. One suggested feature would be displaying each photo’s name somewhere on the screen, or a list of names for all photos that appeared in a session at the end. I often find poses I would like to go back to or do a longer drawing of, or save for future projects etc. and this would make it much easier to find those photo.
thank you and keep up the great work, Proko is such a treasure trove of all things learning art.
1 year ago
<Error> <Code>AccessDenied</Code> <Message>Access denied</Message> </Error>
By Nikos K
i cant download anything from the bundles with pictures i have. anyone else has this problem?
1 year ago
Community engagement
By J B
I love Proko's courses, so this isn't a criticism, but just a suggestion to help improve the site: I think the whole Proko experience would be improved if there was more community interaction by the Proko team. The reason I say this, is because I routinely check the community pages for Drawing Basics and for the Site Suggestions, etc and there's rarely any responses from Proko team members. Lots of questions asked but only occasional answers or responses. It feels sort of abandoned in a way. I feel like if there was more interaction/feedback from the Proko team to community questions, etc it would go a long way to improve the site and the community around it. There's a lot of feedback on social media from the Proko team, so I know they can do it, it just doesn't seem to extend as much to the native Proko site.
1 year ago
Turning on notification on my browser.
By Zach Pipher
Hi, i used to have desktop notifications on my browser, however i got a new computer and it never prompted me to turn them on on this pc. Is there a way to manually turn them on for my course?
1 year ago
Lack of feedback
By @ircaleonius
Hi! I’ve bought some courses (mainly Dale Coleman and Scott Flanders classes) and I don’t mean to ditch on them they’re content is definitely S tier quality but in the end the most valuable thing in any learning is the feedback of the teachers and as I was browsing the other courses I saw a recurring problem: there’s vary little feedback from the teachers.
I don’t feel totally disappointed like I said the lessons are very good but I do feel that the product Proko is offering is of lesser quality for price than for exemple NMA or Drawabox. Anybody else has similar opinion? Different one? Or better way to actually mitigate this?
1 year ago
Suggestion - Timed figure drawing tool?
By Rebecca Shay
With so many great model photos in the library, I would love to see a timed figure drawing tool similar to Quickposes: https://quickposes.com/en/gestures/timed Users can select the gender, length, and number of photos that will randomly popup for gesture practices.
1 year ago
Bot Problem
By @vonun
Hi guys
I've encountered the first bot on the site here and i saw that there ist no report or such button on the site.
how do you report them?
1 year ago
Discord Server?
By Rylie G
He y’all! It’s been a couple of years since the last topic on this in the boards, but I was wondering if there happens to be a Proko discord server? I’d LOVE to see one for really quick feedback or general discussions, really just the community aspect as a whole. I think the Proko site is great and would prefer to keep using this for the lessons, projects, and teacher interaction etc. but I would be even more motivated to practice on a daily basis if there was a more easily accessible community aspect!
If there isn’t, I’m also open to any other art-learning-centric Discord servers that anyone has joined!
Thanks for the time :)
1 year ago
courses certificates
By Nick Lyre
is there any posibility to get a certificate after finishing any course here on proko?
1 year ago
Mentorship section
If I am not mistaken, I remember that mentorship should be a big news about Proko 2.0.
Is it already available and I am not seeing it? Is it this forum?
Thank you!
2 years ago
Proko App Maybe
By Soul
It'd be cool if the Proko team one day created an app to look at critique and check out our videos in an app, like youtube, if possible. Idk the sheer amount of effort involved lol, but it'd be cool to have that
2 years ago
"Added a new topic"... can't comment
This is partly a test. I'm adding a new topic about... adding a new topic! I notice quite a few people asking for help/ critiques and there is no option to comment on their post. All these posts have something in common: directly below the user's name it says "added a new topic" rather than the name of a specific discussion forum. So I'm both pointing this out and testing to see if the same thing happens on my post, which is after all a new topic.
2 years ago
Digital Illustration by Jon Neimeister?
By Adam Davis
I've had my eye on the digital painting course by Jon Neimester and I was just looking at it and saw it offered a bundle, but the second part says "Digital Illustration" and is showing "0 lessons". I'm assuming it's forthcoming... does anyone know about the timeframe for that? I haven't been able to find anything. (This also isn't really a "bug" but i wasn't sure where else to ask this.)
2 years ago
Question about if presale and the summer discount code are supposed to work together.
By Steven Wolf
Is the summer sale discount supposed to work with "Marvel's The Art of Storytelling" presale? Or can you not use both sales on the same product? I'm not sure if it is just not working, or if it isn't meant to work.
2 years ago
NEW FEATURE: Direct Messages!
Guess what? You can now send DMs (Direct Messages) to other users on Proko.com!
We've heard your requests and we're excited to bring you this new feature. This is the perfect way to chat with other art students and your instructors, making it even easier to collaborate and learn together in real time.
To start DMing, just click on the message bubble icon 🗨️ in the top right corner next to the shopping cart. Search for users you've connected with on Proko, send them a request, and once they accept, you're good to go!
Heads up: This feature is still in beta testing, so we'd love to hear your thoughts on how we can make it even better. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please drop a comment in this community thread.
Happy messaging, and as always, thanks for being a part of the Proko community!
2 years ago
Video not showing up at all
By Roman H
Hiya - I just bought Figure Drawing Fundamentals. Before I bought it, I was able to see the free lesson video thumbnails and click through onto YouTube.
However, since I bought the premium course, the thumbnail area is blank with no way to see the videos. I've tried re-logging in, restarting my computer, disabling my adblock, and updating my web browser. Nothing has worked so far.
Whether I click onto the lessons from "My Classroom" or from the "Browse Courses" page, I can't access the videos.
Attached is a screenshot. Any ideas?
2 years ago
Please more of gesture stuff like CSI method
Hi @Proko
Thanks for the drawing basic course. Also I am drawing some years it is good to go back to basic. I took the course ALSO for the CSI method. I like it :-)
Because I like gesture drawing like glenn keane or loish does I hope some gesture drawing course come out (I have the figured drawing course where this chapter is included, but not for the purpose of only gesture figure drawing)
Thanks for your courses.
George aka georgerabbitearl (insta)
2 years ago
Suggestion: Invite a mental health expert for an episode
By Pedro Soares
As you know and have covered before, mental health is quite fundamental for artists. I think it would be of great value to invite an actual expert on the field to dispel ingrained misconceptions about depression and anxiety, explain why do we get stuck in bad moods and what tools do we have avaliable to fight against them.
I managed to recover from depression and do-nothingism largely thanks to the Feeling Good Podcast with veteran and pioneer psychotherapist David Burns, so of course he and his team have my whole hearted recommendation.
That's it, have a great time.
2 years ago
Not able to navigate through all comments in a lesson (pagination)?
By Geert-Jan
So, i've added a comment over here
And after a day I couldn't find my comment easily. I've noticed that the only way i could find my comment was to sort the comments from oldest to newest, and that there will be only displayed a number of comments in the lesson. But i'm missing an easy functionality to scroll through the comments like a load more button or pagination option.
2 years ago
Unable to load lesson videos
I am in figure drawing fundamentals and am unable to play either completed lessons or future lessons. I don't get the play button icon
2 years ago
difference in 3D model
Bydeleted user
Please answer a question, why is there a difference between the 3D model on the web page and the model in the instructional video
2 years ago
Seeing comments/discussion in your feed
By @choyboi
Been using Proko.com more in the past few weeks (love David Finch's comic book course) and I noticed that your feed in "My Classroom" currently shows posts and how many likes they have, but not the discussion/comments that are actually within them.
I think it would be useful and more engaging for people if each post showed the number of comments in the topic and had an option to show the discussion and have the ability to comment on them without leaving the "my classroom" page.
2 years ago
Load more doesn't work
By Geert-Jan
If you go to this topic: https://www.proko.com/community/topics/rebooting-my-art-learing-journey-feedback-appreciated
When you scroll al the way down to the last message from
prymitywizm, you can click on "show all replies (23)". That works, the list will expand. But when you scroll down the expanded list all the way down, you encouter a "Load more" link. When i click that link nothing happens.
I'm using chrome on Windows 10.
2 years ago
Comic artist's different ways to draw different hairstyles.
By Connor Marks
A common thing I've read is that when drawing hair, you don't approach drawing each hairstyle the same way. Which makes sense. You don't approach illustrating the illusion of a shaved head the same way as a full head of curls.
So I think it would be incredibly helpful for aspiring illustrators to learn the various ways that professionals create the illusion of the various hairstyles at varying lengths.
2 years ago
Suggested Skelly updates
I’ve used Skelly for a long time now and it’s a great app. Some additional functionality would help a lot:
1) allow selecting a background from reference photos. When I’m trying to get a pelvis right, for instance, I jump back and forth a lot between skelly and procreate. It would save times of time if the reference was within Skelly.
2) Skelly is not an exact match for any of the main models on Proko. It would be nice to have custom versions of Skelly tailored to some of the models.
3) the ability to morph different parts of Skelly to fit reference would be nice (make the torso smaller, pelvis bigger, arms shorter, etc).
4) provide the ability to straighten the spine as in a deep back end.
5) change the zoom/depth of field for deep perspective…
2 years ago
Can I watch the videos from my tv ?
By Eden Gasior
On YouTube or another browser? I would really like to view my videos on my big screen tv but the screen mirroring option is so foggy. I have tried all kinds of ways before I wanted to ask your advice. None of them work! I understand that your content is very valuable and you do t want hacks or thief’s. If I can view it on my tv that’s great! If not I understand and at least now I can get back to drawing thru learning in my iPad!
Thanks for your time,
2 years ago
Categories Button is broken.
I noticed while I am in a topic in the community section, if I try to hit 'Categories' to return to the main topics I get a 'Oops something went wrong' page.
2 years ago
More and more spam!
By CharmLotta
Are there any moderators here? There is more and more spam on the forum. Just look here for example:
I've also reported spam in the other topics in the last days, but it has not been deleted.
2 years ago
Gift Cards
By Caleb Arias
Hello. I want to know more about gift cards. Are they valid to buy a single course or depending on the amount of these you can buy several?
What are your conditions of use.
I live in Venezuela so it is difficult to send those cards, I don't know if I can send them by gmail?
2 years ago
Overview of different gesture methods
Hi @Proko
Thanks for the videos on Gesture (your own Gesture method, bean method, Michael Hampton's 8 parts of the body method). There are so many gesture methods that you can lose track. So my suggestion would be an overview of the different gesture methods and which industry or genre uses which method. To my knowledge, the animation industry tends to use fluid gesture drawings. Michael Hamptons or Prokos Method is more for fine art, I would guess.
Thanks a lot.
2 years ago
There are differences in the 3D model
By @pa1m
Please answer a question, why is there a difference between the 3D model on the web page and the model in the instructional video, the web page is one tendon and the instructional video is two tendons? Thank you
3 years ago
Class Download missing for some videos
By Matthew K
Hello. I have purchased Marco Bucci's color class. I really prefer downloading the content and watching it elsewhere. The last two classes of chapter 5 don't have download options, unlike the other 7 videos. Please add this option to the new files.
3 years ago
Please implement a draft/exit confimation for "Create a new topic"
By Yiming Wu
Ughh I just typed a whole long post preparing to be sent and I clicked esc or something accidentally and then without a prompt the type box disappeared.
PLEASE at least make a confirmation dialog (like... not the js one, but an actual "leaving the page" system dialog/warning box) here, or just implement a simple draft/cache thingy... It's so frustrating when it happens. :C
Oh and
Also, why not make the entire page the file drop area? Every site I've seen uses a very small file drop area, I don't think you need to make it look "nice on the UI". The larger the drop area the more convenient it can be used.
3 years ago
Two problems
Hey guys. In this post I want to talk about two things:
-A confusing icon
-Clicking "Mark as Complete" by mistake
Confusing Icon
Please refer to the attached image. See those two light gray icons? See how one goes with the view count and the other is a checkbox for "Mark as completed"?
Because the icon next to the view count is similar in shape and value to the icon for checking "Mark as Completed", I instinctively thought it was clickable and experienced a bit of discomfort when I clicked it and nothing happened. It took my mind out of automatic mode and I had to think about the interface as opposed to what I was trying to accomplish from it.
A small thing, but I point it out because when I read Steve Krug's book "Don't Make Me Think" he taught me that's the #1 rule of UI design. "Designing With the Mind in Mind" talked about it as well when they were explaining the limits of human working memory and why a UI needs to occupy as little of that as possible so the person can focus on their goal. That's why I notice this stuff :)
Of course I know that there will never be a perfect UI and that time/budget constraints are always a factor, but this seems like something you could change cheap and easy. You probably could just make a new image file and save it over the top of the old one. :)
I'm thinking you'd want to go with black since red would communicate "I stand out because I'm important" and grey is the color it is now.
Or if it's really important for it to stay gray for some reason, then make the silhouette drastically different from the checkbox.
At the end of the day it's your call if this is even worth fixing but just doing my duty here and making suggestions :)
Clicking "Mark as Complete" by mistake
Now this problem is more critical. I checked "Marked as Complete" on a video just to see what would happen and I felt a sense of dread when I discovered I could not uncheck it! Please turn this into a toggle. :)
I point this out not only for the obvious reason that I want to be able to uncheck stuff but also because I'm thinking about the concept of a UI making its users feel free to explore as opposed to them being afraid of making mistakes. Being low risk, basically. Well, being able to undo your mistakes plays into this :)
3 years ago
Help Ukraine Purchase question
By Lost 247365
I recently bought a model pack from the help Ukraine promotion. However, I can’t access the photos. It doesn’t even show up in the tool section of my classroom.
Going into the normal store it doesn’t show it as being purchased and looking at the my orders I get the following message I am attaching.
Has the purchase just not gone through yet or was there some sort of bug with the purchase?
3 years ago
Cant download assignments
By Gala rog
from the bicep section, it says:
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
what can i do? maybe someone can send me the photos?
3 years ago
Course Suggestion - Environments
By @merricka
It would be awesome to have a course on backgrounds, environments, and layouts. Everyone wants to be a character artist but I’m really more interested in environments!
3 years ago
Suggestion - watch later but for courses
I think it would be useful if there was something like the watch later playlist on youtube but for courses. It’d be nice to be able to save courses I’m interested in but not able to take at the moment so I can find them later.
3 years ago
so if i got a course off proko website-can i localize it to here?
By Ariel
I don't mind paying the extra couple of bucks for it to be the same fee in here.
talking about marco bucci course.
bought it off his website...or gunroad maybe.
3 years ago
Russian Ballet fotos twice in ZIP
By @jan
if you download an unpack the 2,3GB Russian Ballet.zip, then you get all the fotos + another Zip-File which contains all the images again.
.. so not a big deal, but a waste of space and download-capacity, as all images only use about 1GB not 2.
best regards,
3 years ago
Portrait Reference-Fotos
By @jan
you could 'recycle' your figure-drawing images by simply cropping to the head/shoulder region only and providing us with a nice portrait-reference-collection for drawing!
.. again, please also create PDFs for EBook-Readers so we can draw outside in the sun and while waiting on the bus ;)
thanks and best regards!
PS: a complete new foto-session with extra emotional facial expressions would be very nice too of course!
3 years ago
E-Book friendly Figure-Drawing Collections
By @jan
you could (should) create PDF-Files with say 100 Fotos each in a single PDF (small-resolution version!) for EBook-Readers.
I always create this format myself to get the pictures on my ebook (it remembers the last page/image and is perfect for sunny days outside), but maybe others struggle with such 'technic' tasks ..
e.g. i have chanon-0-99.pdf, veronica-100-199.pdf, etc.
best regards,
3 years ago
Suggestion: addition of Discord server
By Green Ethics
I personally have found the Discord community platform to be most functional for this application. Real time voice/video/sharing. REAL TIME! Voice! Video! Sharing! Great for the community in general but many uses become apparent such as classes and workshops... all under one platform!(PS Art-wod has successfully implemented its usage.) Thanks.
3 years ago
The Roadmap & Community section
By Dan B
Just wondering what thoughts are on what’s coming from the roadmap and where the community sees priority needs? I think a lot of people have dropped off the community section (?) but I’d like to see them back and see see it really thrive and grow here (aside the courses and challenges which are already great).
My thoughts on what is missing at the moment:
- to be notified when someone you follow posts work to their album, possibly by also setting up dedicated published vs WIP albums
- Commenting on albums/personal walls
- Sketchbooks/journals, for members to track their progress through the courses, general art progress and thoughts, again with notifications
- a dedicated critique section (like the ‘ask for help’ checkbox but it’s allowed in community/personal wall posts)
- News - particularly Proko site/course news, but also somewhere for members to post Art related news/content for discussion, like a bulletin board
- Personal messages and/or group chat
- Maybe a few sub-categories in the Community section, though I’m not sure how deep or wide to go depending on how active it is. Could even add tags or something to allow searching/pseudo-categorisation.
Keep up the great work, the content here is fantastic and I look forward to the future developments and growth.
3 years ago
Displaying Reference Photos on Streams
If I purchase one of the photo reference packs, am I allowed to show it on my streams (youtube or twitch) for drawing/sculpting? Sorry if this was answered somewhere, couldn't find it.
3 years ago
Why can't you delete posts in a topic you created if it has comments?
By @nahgul
Title pretty much says it all, just wondering what the reason for it is.
3 years ago
Suggesting an art teacher to Proko
Hi Proko team, I just stumble across this amazing oil painting artist from New Zealand. His name is Andrew Tischler. Please check him out:
I thought it could be really cool to have him on the Proko board. Also, I like having all my favorite artists/Teachers in one place to pig from.
Best regards
3 years ago
White screen when trying to play video on iPad
When I open up the Cylinders lesson (or any other lesson) for the designing dragons course all that appears is a white screen. I’ve tried using safari and Google chrome, but neither of them work.
note: I am using an iPad, that may be part of the problem.
3 years ago
Creating your own art school...
By Green Ethics
I am aware Stan and Marshall both feel they have worked this topic to death. I disagree. People continue to struggle with this despite an enormous amount of material available. Something I neglect to see discussed in those videos pertaining to self-education and something I desire and something I hear echoed among many: Structured assignment. I guess without expanding an additional category to your concept it would best fit under 'Feedback'.
It is difficult for the first time artist or beginner to come up with good practical ideas of just what to draw and how to approach said project (the focus or mindset. ie modelling, color, composition.. etc.) to get the most out of the experience at a particular stage in their progression.
You may say draw anything, draw everything. But that is no good for the beginner. He wants to be told what to do and how to go about it to gain the best results. Keeping in mind the buckets of gemstones from your interview with Flint Dille (mostly the idea of being challenged without becoming overwhelmed) Also keep in mind the art student isn't just learning to draw. He is learning to be creative. I should reword that... He is learning to 'access' his creativity.
https://youtu.be/5xkn7VWdKZ8?t=4937 - James Gurney’s Self-Education Journey - Draftsmen S3E04 (~1:23:00) James Gurney sums it up beautifully.
"What a good teacher should probably do.. is come up with a real specific challenge that they are likely to succeed at, but that brings them to a higher level of understanding and then take everything out of the equation that might confuse them too much..."
This is something missing from self-education that I see being of great benefit in propelling growth that is available at the art school. This note is designed for Stan and the Proko team but any feedback (esp. where one might find these sorts of lesson assignments) is appreciated. I hope my words make sense of my desire. I know I'm not alone in this.
3 years ago
Are subscriptions a thing?
By @bobsaget
I wasn't sure where else to ask this or post this, but I was interested in knowing whether Proko offers some kind of annual subscription that gives you access to everything. I saw a post of people talking about it on a forum somewhere, which is what made me interested, but I am not seeing an option for that anywhere. Am I missing something, or was that a previous option that no longer exists?
Thanks in advance!
3 years ago
By Xun
So I am going on a trip soon it’s going to take sometime until I reach my destination. I thought I could just download the lessons since it is written as a feature on the course overview. yes I did buy the courses I want to download but how?
3 years ago
Reporting Bug related to filters
By João Bogo
Hey guys
I'd like to report a bug. So, In my feed when I select the option "only post with no replies" It shows both this kind of post but as well the posts that I already commented. It's not impairing my use of the site, but it's kinda of annoying.
Best Regards
3 years ago
Meeting online friends who share the same location.
Bydeleted user
So I was thinking, maybe there could be a forum were students make their own events. And invite the people who live in the same city. It's almost as having a presential class but more open to meeting people with the same passion and interests.
3 years ago
My portrait course keep resseting to 0%
Despite completing the course, and actually went back and rewatch the videos my couse completion still says that I completed 0%
3 years ago
Currency Conversion
I'm new around here, and I'm assuming the prices being displayed are in USD$, it would be really cool if we got some sort of automatic Currency Converter on the website for people outside of America. I need some peace of mind on how much exactly it is that I am paying in my local currency. thanks :)
I'm from Australia btw
3 years ago
Drawing and painting surfaces, substrates, papers
Recently I was looking at Norman Rockwell charcoal comprehensive drawings and trying to understand how the rich textures were created. The surface was so beautiful, like fine bread crust. We decided it must be connected to the type of paper used, but couldn't imagine what it was or how to access something like that.
Suggestion, a section or lesson or podcast devoted to the subject of what we draw and paint on. There's so much out there about what tools and media to draw with, but relatively little is said about what we're drawing on. The interaction of drawing tool with surface is so important. There's also the issue of longevity. It would be great to help demystify this topic. What are popular brands, what do they do. If they are colored how long will the color last? Are there inexpensive ways to create durable surfaces? Etc.
What do you think?
3 years ago
Date on Lesson or Assignment
For many lessons in courses there are associated assignments. It would be nice to see when the lesson was posted to know how long the assignment has been assigned for. For example, here is a lesson page with an assignment associated to it. This would be useful because the assignments in this course have a feedback video that's associated with them once they have been turned in.
3 years ago
Can I create a study Group?
First of all, im posting this as an idea, I don't know if it is allowed or not.
I bought the figure drawing course, and I just finished the gesture part. but sometimes I find it hard to push myself to complete it.
The idea is to create a small 3 to 5 people group where we meet once a week (like on google meet ) to discuss each section until the course is completed.
The dynamics will be the following:
-The idea is that you watch the videos and do the exercises.
-I will be doing the same, and in each meeting, I will share my notes and discoveries.
-If you just want to go in to listen, you can do it. If you want to participate you can also.
-the idea is to push each other to complete the course.
Please let me know if this is allowed to do here, in case it's not I´ll delete this post ;)
Also let me know if you think this is a good idea or not :) something tells me this could be either a really good idea or a really bad one but I don't know why... :s
3 years ago
Would a thumbnail gallery view work for the submissions to the Proko Challenge?
By Ash
Right now, the submissions feel like an endless scroll and each submission takes up a big chunk of the screen. I feel like it would be useful to have all the submissions in a thumbnail gallery view (3-4 artworks per row) to see what people made for the Proko challenge.
I know I can filter the list by new and oldest but this is just a suggestion in case the old posts get buried in the endless scroll and they might not get as much upvotes since they're so far down the list.
3 years ago
videos missing timestamps in the course 'drawing fundamentals: accuracy, values, & light'
By ⠀ ⠀
i noticed in dorian iten's course 'drawing fundamentals: accuracy, values, & light', a few of the videos seem to be missing timestamps. specifically this is affecting the videos 'values from observation', 'creating realism', and 'inventing light'. this also seems to be affecting the duration on the overview page, as the reported value is 1 hour 5 minutes, and according to my math the correct value is actually 2 hours 21 minutes
i don't know if this is the only affected course. i quickly looked over the other courses i have access to and didn't see anything similar, but i can't say anything about the rest
thanks for your time
3 years ago
3D Model Crashing
By Arthur Renzi
I am currently unable to use the 3D Models on my Macbook using either the Firefox or Safari browsers. The problem started today. Firefox crashes and Safari reloads saying there was a problem. I've tried the external obliques and the shoulder models.
3 years ago
Clear all - Notifications?
By Jo Sheridan
Hi there,
I often find it hard to lose the red dot that shows how many new notifications there have been, even if I scroll down through and click on them all one by one - would a "Clear All" button at the top be a good idea?
3 years ago
Notification: I am not being notified even though all boxes are ticked in settings
Hello everybody,
I am a studend of the MonsterLab course by @Scott Flanders and I keep missing new content because I never recieve any notifications and new stuff/comments etc also does not show up under the notification icon.
All boxes are ticked in my settings and I receive notifications for all kind of stuff but the MonsterLab course.
Is there anything I am missing?
3 years ago
Suggestion : tap center to pause video
By @passenger
i'm watching my first video on my tablet, and i pause a lot, every time i need to hit the screen, wait a little, and then tap pause.
Tap on center (or double tap) to pause video would be great on a tablet.
Thanks a lot and keep the good work :)
3 years ago