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Richard Barkman
added comment in3 Weeks to Better Gesture Drawing
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week 3 assignment - i have lots of work to do...
Richard Barkman
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Week 2 assignment - I'm still trying to figure out what should you really target to complete in 5 minutes. There's various ways you could go...
Steve Lenze
Nice drawing Richard, the proportions and gesture look good.
I did notice that you need to think about your edges a bit. There are two kinds of edges for the shadows, form and cast. All your shadows feel like they have the same edges.
Also, the light is coming from the top which means that will be the lightest. As you move away from the light, your "light" areas will start to darken.
I did a quick paint over to show you what I mean :)
Hey everyone, please let me know what you think of this drawing - charcoal on smooth newsprint.
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Hey Everyone, please critique my lower leg homework.
Richard Barkman
Asked for help
Hey all, please critique my calf assignment. Having just looked at Stan’s work again, I see I could have spent more time on line and shape design (straights vs curves, assymetry, etc). Thanks
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So as I was doing the hamstring assignment, this photo came across my Instagram feed (don’t judge me, it’s art. LOL). The hamstrings are difficult to identify because there seems to be only one raised column that comes straight from the “egg” of the calf muscles. I’ve associated that ‘column” with the semitendinosus, and shown , in purple, how my muscle overlay matches (and doesn’t) with the furrows in her legs. By the way not all of the ends of the biceps femoris where it connects to the fibulae are shown, because the legs are turned away somewhat. Of course, I could be completely wrong, what do you think?