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Toma Zhikov
added comment inFigure drawing - critique requested
IMO you have a case of "rendering over proportion" here, where it seems you took your time rendering but it feels the proportions of the hands were a bit awkward in the first place. Maybe overlapping his right hand, our left with his body can get rid of awkwardness and bring in some depth, also I feel the pose could be better if we don't see the other hand, if it was covered by his body.
Some places fill over-detailed like his abdomen area so a a tad bit softening can help. I think soft edges can also help the drawing, photographs tend to have a lot of hard edges but in drawing and painting softening some of those hard edges and leaving a few hard can make it more real and believable.

Richard Barkman
Hi, Toma, thanks for looking, I'll think about your comments.
Steve Lenze
I really dig this drawing, and I think the rendering looks cool.
What I see is that it needs a little structure in the head and torso. The hands are a little small and the right forearm feels too small. I did a quick sketch to show you what I see, I hope it helps :)
Hi all, I’m burnt out on this drawing, but not completely happy with it. I need a fresh set of eyes to help. Any critique’s welcome.
@Steve Lenze Steve, your comments have always been great in the past, I’m hoping you have a second to take a look. Thanks in advance!
Richard Barkman
Asked for help
Week 2 assignment - I'm still trying to figure out what should you really target to complete in 5 minutes. There's various ways you could go...
Steve Lenze
Nice drawing Richard, the proportions and gesture look good.
I did notice that you need to think about your edges a bit. There are two kinds of edges for the shadows, form and cast. All your shadows feel like they have the same edges.
Also, the light is coming from the top which means that will be the lightest. As you move away from the light, your "light" areas will start to darken.
I did a quick paint over to show you what I mean :)
Thank you Steve! Great feedback. You nailed things that were nagging at me but I wasn’t sure about solving.
Hey everyone, please let me know what you think of this drawing - charcoal on smooth newsprint.