Please more of gesture stuff like CSI method
George Rabbitearl
Hi @Proko
Thanks for the drawing basic course. Also I am drawing some years it is good to go back to basic. I took the course ALSO for the CSI method. I like it :-)
Because I like gesture drawing like glenn keane or loish does I hope some gesture drawing course come out (I have the figured drawing course where this chapter is included, but not for the purpose of only gesture figure drawing)
Thanks for your courses.
George aka georgerabbitearl (insta)
To draw like Loish or Glenn Keane, knowing CSI and the gesture drawings in the figure drawing course is enough "textbook knowledge" you need, IMHO. After that what you need to do is a lot of practices, and master copies of your favorite artists. Post here and people can tell you where the gap is. Slowly narrow the gap and you'll get there.
I see some drawings that you posted. You're on the right track, but you still need more mileage. It's like when a child starts to learn how to write, and he wants to write beautiful script. A teacher taught him how to write script, but he knows he's not there, and he wonders what else he needs to learn. But you know the kind of mature, slowly scripts come from years of writing with deliberate practices.
Hi @Rebecca Shay . Thank you very much for the answer. Attached are a few sample gesture drawings of mine. I am also a fan of Ryan woodward, joshhunterblack. But also the sketchy style of proko in the drawing course. My goal is not to draw photorealistically. Somewhere between gesture/expressive/sketchy/semi realistic. Sometimes in my gesture drawings I feel I draw too clean, I would like to draw more expressive/sketchy/unclean, like in my last drawing a few days ago (face). I'm already more messy than I was a year ago and allow myself to be imprecise at the beginning or to draw from big to small/detail, but it still doesn't quite hit what I want/imagine. What I know is, that I like energetic lines, drawn from should what I learned in force drawing. But force drawing is to formulistic for me. Hope I do not confuse you to much, but I am in a searching process :-)