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added comment in3 Weeks to Better Gesture Drawing
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Congratulations to the winners!
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Lol crammed these all at the last minute because I also attempted and failed at Nanowrimo this November. Because why try and fail at one thing when you can try and fail at two things :P
I'm impressed with everyone who managed to draw full figures with 1 minute poses - I just got stick figures.
I have now just bought Matthew Mattesi's Force book to improve. Kudos to everyone who did this challenge your entries all look so good and flowy!
Personally, to watch video content I prefer to stream it from my phone to my TV whilst I'm eating meals as I'm sort of multi-tasking and it keeps my attention span up. I generally watch the videos on Youtube because you can stream videos using the shared wifi that way. This is a long shot, but would the Proko team consider creating an app to be able to do that? If not, no worries and thanks for all the great work you do.
This discussions was a bit of a depressing listen but very important. I was thinking if the AI art generators prompts could have an in built restriction that forbids them from using artist's names to somehow forbid them from replicating their style. That might be a long shot, but I guess it's something.
I also think it would be cool if you interviewed a lawyer about the ramifications of the breach in copyright AI art is. I think it would be cool if you talked to someone like LegalEagle over on Youtube you could be bringing more people outside of artists and AI tech people into this discussion.
Congrats to all the winners and thank you to Mr Bucci for doing such a long feedback video. Some hilarious prize titles here!
Hello everyone!
For this Challenge I did a portrait of my friend Ryan Haack family.
He is an indie comic book writer so I added his comic anthology Unspeakable Text to the scene.
I did a second version with the pages of a comic I illustrated for him called Mr. Frost in the background.
Halloween in July.
I plan to go trick or treating with the kids this year... for the first time! We live in Australia. It's taken a while but we're catching on to this trick or treating business :P
I had covid... still have... so I wasn't able to take any group photos for reference. I had to blend what I already had of the kids with some stock photos from pexels and what I've been learning from Aaron Blaise tutorials.
This is charming! It looks like they are trick or treating around Hobbiton. Very nice!
My July 2022 Proko submission
I made a sketch of a cozy evening with my friends and coloured it digitally ✨
Here's my submition for the group portrait. It is done in oils. Thanks for extending the deadline!