Beginner Image packs
I just started the Drawing Basics course, and with the 12 days of Proko, I've been watching some of the live streams. It made me think that it would be really useful if there were some image packs, for use with the Timer tool, that contained images that would be easier for a beginner to use. I just got to the two week challenge, and I though something like the timer would be super helpful, if it had some simpler subjects.
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John B
@Darin this is an interesting idea and I'm sure we'll have more packs in the future geared towards beginners. What kind of subjects are you hoping to draw with the timer tool?
Another possible solution would be to make course materials accessible from the Timer app. I just got the the rhythms project which contains 30 images of models. The images appear to be taken from the various model packs. It would be very helpful if I could use the Timer app with those images included with the beginner course. If the course material was accessible, then instead of trying to sell a beginner pack , you could just add more of those basic images to the beginner course material.
My suggestion would be to look at the images used for the projects in the beginner course and just use more of those. More fruit/still life, animal portraits, etc. I just got to the gesture project and was really happy to see 30 ish pictures of seals to choose from. If those were available to use with the timer tool, that would be great.
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