Manga-oriented course
It would be really interesting to get someone to do a full Manga-oriented course for the site. Someone traditionally famous like Naoki Urasawa (author of Monster and other popular manga series) or maybe a YouTube celebrity like DrawLikeASir. There's a lot of manga-specific subtleties that would be useful to learn in a specialized course and would create a nice parallel with the western-themed Marvel course that's being released.
Agreed! As of now we don't have any Proko instructors lined up to teach a Manga course, but we're always looking for talented artists to cover popular topics. If you know of anyone selling a quality course right now that may want to bring it over to Proko let us know.
I did post comments on both of their YouTube channels mentioning that they should consider doing a course for Proko, but the two I mentioned above would be great. I would definitely buy a course from either one, for sure. I know Marcel from DrawLikeASir is pretty active online, but I know Urasawa doesn't answer comments very much. If you think they'd be a good fit, it might be more useful for someone from Proko to reach out to them, vs a rando like me on the internet :-D My comments might get lost in the comment noise they get every day.