I've always wanted to learn to draw, but never had a chance. Trying my best.
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Lots of drawing for this one. I had to do it over a couple of sessions. I started focusing more on my cross contours in the later drawings.
I did this one twice. First freehand then using a 30-60-90 triangle to measure and get more accurate lines. I wasn’t sure how to draw curved shapes like the handle when seen as the cross section, so I just did the largest outer shape.
Melanie Scearce
This is a tough one. The curve is hard to justify but at least we know that it will be on the same line as the side view. We can also rotate the top view to justify the width. You're so close with this one -- drawing those lines through your orthographic views and using the side and top views to justify the other views will help you get as accurate as possible.
Well done! It's amazing how complex a pan can be
I seem to have trouble figuring out hands and feet. They seem like the should be simple, but they always end up looking blocky or flat. In general I enjoyed doing these. I think the master studies turned out pretty well, but when I was uploading the images, all I could see were the mistakes. As for the ones from imagination, they started a little stiff, but I think after doing a few I started to get a little more dynamic.
Here are the ones from imagination
Here is my first attempt. I find this quite fun, so I’ll probably keep doing these as something to practice. I’m still struggling to figure out how much top plane to show, especially when objects recede into the distance.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Looks like you’re getting it!
This was kinda fun, but I must admit to having more fun with the melted pancake landscapes.
I found this quite fun, although I clearly need some practice. Making the shapes is not too difficult, although figuring out how much of the top to show, and being consistent is something I think I need to pay attention to. Also making the page look interesting is more challenging. I guess that gets into the composition side of things.
Asked for help
Here is my try at this. I had to refer to the video a bunch to remember the correct proportions. I also choose to use the full 8 heads high. I think I’ll have spend some time memorizing this proportions.
Solid! On your profile view, I think if you shift your hips/legs to the right, it will help the figure feel more upright and less like it's leaning forward.
Here are my level 1 attempts. I started a little too small so after watching the demo I did some larger ones. I really struggled with imagining different value compositions. I found it hard to break away from the original. I tried pushing harder for the larger ones I did after the demo, but I’m not sure I came up with anything too interesting.
Here is my attempt. I may have picked an object that was a little too simple, but I think I got the basic idea. Maybe I’ll pick something a little more complex and try again.
Marshall Vandruff
You got the idea, and you delivered the proof!
Carlos Pérez
it actually is a complex object due to the circles and ellipses , i'd say you simplified too much which is good too
added a new topic
Learning/Drawing with a injury
I have been taking the drawing fundamentals course and started the new perspective course. I am a beginner, just learning to draw for myself. Last week I ruptured the tendon in my bicep of my drawing arm (rock climbing, not drawing). This week I had surgery to repair it. My arm is probably going to be out of commission for a couple of months. I can just pause everything and pick it up again once I am able to. I could keep watching the videos, but leaving the projects till later. Maybe I could try drawing with my left hand (sort of kidding, sort of not). Any advice on what to do with my courses until I am able to draw again? Has anyone else had to learn or practice drawing without being able to use their arm? Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.
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