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Looking up and down assignments. I feel like I'm getting better at looking down. But looking up is still a struggle. I have been trying to focus on the neck muscles and general trapezoidal structure of the jaw but there's just something about it I can't visually deconstruct.
i think you need to focus on the planes of the reference are not matching try to be as close to them as possible. for example in the second pic the first drawing the top lips of the woman in the reference are not visible yet you drew them. similar artists that have suffered from this problem presented their artwork to Angel Ganev on tiktok he fixed them and you will see him explain the concept of the planes it will make so much sense.
Daniel Foust
Hi everyone! Looking for critique. The first image is just me trying to clearly identify the landmarks on a photo. Second is me trying to use the landmarks in my figure drawing practice as suggested. Third is me following along with Stan's examples. I think the information is starting to sink in! I'd like someone to point out if I'm repeating any major mistakes, though.
Daniel, you did amazing.
Andre Camargo
Hi @Scott Flanders and fellow students, here is my current line-up. I updated the characters from the development stage with the exploration for the focal points. After the last feedback video (focal points), I did some more sketches and finally I merged two weaker characters (the leader and the tinker) into a new one. I had way more fun with the farmer and reduced the samurai theme to a point where I think it is acceptable.. Even though I preferred 5 characters in the line-up in terms of odd numbers, I had to admit that the material was not good enough. I scanned them and did some digital corrections. The blocked color in the background helps me to identify the shapes a bit better with the sketches. For the upcoming shapecarving I would like to change some details along the way. Some proportions, some gesture... this is really hard for me with the pencil. I am so used to flipping canvas and doing cmd-Z, especially when it comes to making final decisions. The Pumpkin Brigade is my thrown together mercenary troop, which gets the job done for the right amount of coin. Best wishes from my desk to all, Andre
they are great!
Michael Brinker
Some Mannequinization sketches I did yesterday. Would love some feedback. I wanted to try some extreme poses this time around and I think I got better as a went through each pose.
I think they are great honestly, good job!!
I would choose Ksk_535 on twitter even tho I don't speak korean I would very much like to be their student.
I have many, I will build an art studio where I would be able to publish comics that I have drawn myself. I also want to employ other artists who want us to help them with their dreams.
That is a good idea, having a tean of artist is good for bigger project
18 30 sec gestures and 2 2 min gestures. I'm trying to practice before work, so hopefully I can keep it up! I had a lot of fun doing my first attempts after watching the assignment examples, but after watching the critiques I realized what I had been drawing before had lots of extra lines. This was my first attempt again trying to pick my lines first and then draw them. I think I've gotten too in my own head, and am focusing on single parts of the body and my drawing too much to visualize the whole thing. I'd appreciate any feedback :)
I really liked your 2 min sketches they looked amazing, the flow and the pose all make sense and go together. But in your 30s poses it feels rigid, it seems to be a reaccuring issue as from the fourth picture to the 7th I don't see the center line, and all of them looked like you only focused on the contour. also i see some chicken scratches (some places where you use small lines instead of one long fluid line). to fix the rigidness I think you should rewatch the videos (it helps a lot) and make your lines consist of C S I lines. increase the time to 1min since you might be struggling with the the 30s time frame. with more practice you will be able to go back to the 30s soon. lastly, its amazing how you balance your work and your desire to draw. its really hard to balance things so props to you! I bet you will do amazing.
Luke Ng
Some of my gesture studies. Critiques are welcome
first Pic the two poses at the top and bottom dont make sense, but your gesture seems good
hey can I see that art curriculm by modren day james I had it before in my old laptop but I lost it now
Dan B
It’s by Alex Huneycutt, here’s the link to his latest version, which is on Gumroad. https://www.reddit.com/user/RadioRunner/comments/lgllqy/new_version_of_radiorunners_curriculum_for_the/
Attached here
Gabriel Barros
Day 02 - Today the time was shorter. I focused on the Bean, instead of the timed gestures, which I'll probably get back to tomorrow, while still doing more Bean studies.
i think they are amazing
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