Lost 247365
Lost 247365
Lost…as expected.
A lost wannabe cartoonist looking to find her way.
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Lost 247365
I had to relook at the images and then put them away to do the memory part.
Lost 247365
I kinda misunderstood that we were supposed to be simplifying and went all out on the details. So I redid the simplified version. That said, I wanted to include my high detailed drawing as well so I am including it at the end.
Rachel Dawn Owens
Really really great practice! Very strong work! Nice job simplifying it.
Lost 247365
I know I went over limit on some of these but I couldn’t bring myself to leave them less finished than this. I even turned the gecko’s feet into circles to lower my shape count in exchange to listening to him telling me how he could save me money on my car insurance. For level 2 I did the roadrunner and couldn’t help but see him as some snooty aristocrat with his nose/beak high into the air. It was very hard to make him look blocky as opposed to triangular.
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are so great! Your drawings have a lot of character to them. It looks like you had fun with these. I really liked your roadrunner reference, so I tried my own hand it. I went about it a little differently than Proko, but I find that starting with the longest line helps measure the proportions before I get into the shapes. You did great! Keep it up!
Lost 247365
My attempt to recreate a Joe Madureira picture. He seems to use line weight for all three purposes though he obviously focuses mainly on importance. After that he tends to change line weight for depth. Honestly, at first I didn’t think he did it for shadow at all. But I noticed I was wrong while working on this. It is minor but noticeable. Especially with the fur and hair I noticed he did thin out the hair near highlights and used a slightly thicker line for dark edges. Also, as a confession I spilt some coke on the top left corner. I had put way too much work into this so I cut the corner out and taped in another sheet of paper. Fortunately that area of the picture was pretty empty. I tried to hide this by making sure the camera shadow covered it up.
Smaller lines sometimes makes huge difference do its hard to tell but i thik IT looks pretty grat
Melanie Scearce
Really nice study. It sounds like you got a lot out of it!
Gloria Wickman
These assignments were really fun. Line weight is honestly something I had never given any thought to before so seeing how drastically it can change the same base drawing was a revelation for me. Please excuse the janky perspective on the last drawing but I tried my best to emphasize hierarchy of importance on the lines for that sketch.
Lost 247365
Awesome work! I like how your lines very clearly illustrate the ones you are trying to emphasize. My one suggestion (for what it is worth since I’m a learner too) is maybe to include one more level of hierarchy to indicate lines that are important but not the most important lines in the drawing!
Lost 247365
I’m not too sure that my trying to light the Rhino from above as opposed to the side was different enough.
Melanie Scearce
The top light looks great! In the right side lit Rhino, you may have darkened too many lines. It isn't as easily readable as the top lit Rhino. Overall, looks good!
Lost 247365
I just want to take a moment to explain my connect the dots submission. I combined it with my own personal warm up of putting four dots on a paper and then constructing a quadrilateral and then partitioning the rectangle into halves, thirds, and fifths. It all requires connecting the dots as described in the lesson.
Juan Muniz
Well I don't have the video to watch but I still gave it a try. I want to do VR girl later today or during the week. My arm needs a lot of work... I'm not shocked haha. I see some potential in a second attempt tho. I am a bit more proud of the penguin even if its not perfect!
Lost 247365
Looks great! In my opinion you did a really great job of forcusing on the line work and simplifying the lines into smooth strokes showing the rhythm of both the penguin and the arm! The penguin in particular seems to really show the nice smooth line work!!! Great work!
Lost 247365
I saw this picture of the squirrel with the messy hair a while back and once I got to this assignment I knew exactly what I was going to try and draw: A squirrel getting the shock of his life from an electric cord! ;)
Gloria Wickman
Oh I love the squirrel and you put such great character in his eyes. Great work!
Patrick Bosworth
Great expression, love it!!
Melanie Scearce
Awesome work!
Lost 247365
I got carried away on the details on the Camel's teeth and eyes before I remembered the purpose of this assignment. Sorry!
Kristen Budovski
I'm really digging your camel, great job!
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