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Timer Tool - beyond gesture?
Going through Stan's awesome beginner course at the moment, thought of this idea, figured I should throw it out there - it'd be really cool to have a place on the site to have a library of exercises and warmups. I'm imagining something you pull up when you first start out for the day, and it'd randomize an exercise for you. Today you're working on value. Next time, it gives you perspective exercises. etc. These could be basic ones that everyone knows that are just in the tool always, and/or miniature versions of the lessons from the paid material - just all collected in one spot and easy to peruse. You could then get really fancy tracking consistency and suggestions for these various skills, but that may be further down the line. I can go in more detail if that doesn't make sense, but it's fairly simple. Thanks for everything you all do!
one (incredibly) small change that could be nice? let me use the arrow keys to advance/go back instead of clicking.
Thanks for the direct critique Stan! Totally see what you're saying about the jumps in value, though I'm still struggling a bit. Hard one!
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Okay, so still not working with the full suite of lead weights, but I figured I would still try to use what I have and get the best outcome from it. The first, I used 4H, B, and 4B, but ran into a similar problem as last time, where marching up the line I had trouble getting a good in-between in the last squares I also messed up the hell out of my paper -_- So, main goal for the second one was to trust the pencils, not press so hard, and concentrate on being lighter instead of heavier. I think I ended up with a similar issue, the transition between the two pencils is not as clean as you'd hope, the last 4H is maybe darker/pretty equal to the first 4B... but it feels much nicer/much closer than my previous attempts, and was much more reasonable to actually do. Trust the materials, huh. :D
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So, turns out I'm missing some of the suggested pencils - don't quite know why i didn't pick them all up - and I think the main issue is the darker one, so the 6B. I felt like I was on good track most of the way through. Started with the darkest 4B, then marched up the scale. Once I got to the last ~3 though it was pretty clear I had no space to keep getting darker, and there wasn't much I could do to push the 4B even darker. The other option of course would be starting light, but I'm fairly happy with the left side of the scale. Will try again soon, whether I wait to get some more pencil or no, we'll see. :p
also sorry, moved recently and my photo lighting is just *not* consistent right now, working on that.
Whups, getting in under the wire - I'll do more of these, this is one of the things I *most* need to work on (I'm used to fully using reference and it's a crutch). Both of these turned out pretty well - the Wheelbarrow much closer than the Anvil. I'm thinking of redoing them tomorrow (without re-study) and seeing how I can do.
Retried the sledgehammer from memory, no review beforehand. I think it's better-ish. Partway through I realized I still didn't get the shapes involved and just made sure I did something consistent. Irritatingly, the actual shape would've been much much simpler to draw XD
Did the bad thing and worked level 2 first - I'll do some more tomorrow and mix it up. I feel pretty good about most of these (maybe not #8, what in gods name is that man's hip doing), but I think again the proportions are off. Feel free to give me some pointers, will definitely do some more of these, just ran out of time today.
Way behind, going to work on catching up this weekend! Here's some ginger people! They're a little more people-y than gingery, was using the reference tool. The last one I ran out of patience, but this was a great exercise, gotta do it more! If anyone is still around, I'd love any critique you'll give me!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Don’t get too wrapped up in the lumps and bumps of the anatomy. I think you could get more abstract with these guys. Other than that, these all look great. The cross contour lines are following the forms. These are excellent drawings.
Way behind and haven't drawn in a while, but finally sat down and did this today - the ginger seemed harder in a way. Really think working on this exercise a lot will help me. will be trying this a bunch, but, if anyone has suggestions or critique I could work on I'd be very grateful!
Lobster. Just ignored the beard area XD
haha, consider myself chastised. thanks Stan.
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