It's time for another critique! I'll be looking through both level 1 & 2.
I’ll be looking through your rhythm quick sketches and giving some advice on how you can use rhythms more effectively to get more dynamic drawings.

Patrick Alexander Büchi
Hello again, yet another and this time also the last addition of 6 rhythms. I already started feeling the improvement! especially on one pose I was very happy with (as you can see on the nota haha) for how fast and easily I was able to see the rhythms, and how confident my linework was this time (in all but one)
And as always, any kind of critique is very much appreciated! I hope you guys had also as much fun as I did, off I go to the next session!
You keep improving with each drawing. I really love this one. The big sweeping gesture that runs through the knees and the shoulder is great, and all the little rhythms that swirl out from the center give this pose so much movement. Keep it up!

Patrick Alexander Büchi
Last but not least, 6 rhythms after the critiques! I'd say that I lack confidence the most, the messy lines make the drawing seem dirty/chaotic, though in the last two poses I'm quite happy with the result!
Any kind of critique is very much welcome, I'd love to know your opinion. :^)
Tommy Pinedo
Found a great video on Brent Eviston gesture drawing on proko YouTube channel. I’ve used what I learned doing this practice and from the video and tried it using the reference.
here is the link to that video!
Such a great video, thanks for sharing! And great job implementing the principles that he covered.
hello! This project was SO hard for me. I have tried to do this for a while, been not liking the result and everything i drew seemed so wrong to me. i watched critique video, tried again and still all my drawings seemed so stiff? I've been stuck on this project for 2 months now had art block because been not happy with my drawings. I'm so lost but still i really don't want to be stuck on this project for more time then i already had been. I drew this pose just to ask for help. Please guide me i would really like to know what i can work on more, if i'm going in right direction. Will be really thankful for the help!
Tommy Pinedo
Honestly, I think it looks quite good! I sense a unique style to it and I feel the gesture flow. What I like to do is if I feel like I’ve been doing the exercise for a while, I’ll move on to the next lesson and come back to gesture maybe days or weeks later.
for example, I’m doing gesture right now and I went back to do the “learn how to sketch” video again and I notice my sketching lines doing that exercise improved. I had the post demo attempt a month ago and compared it to now and I saw improvement. I hope that made sense and helped!
Tommy Pinedo
More gestures that I did. Did 5 minutes per pose. After doing 50 gestures I’m starting to get a better idea of gestures.
I looking forward to perspective next! :)
Alex Jin
I really enjoy doing these! Wonder if I add too much detail. I could probably push the poses further and go without pure reference
Tommy Pinedo
These are my new attempts after watching the level 1, 2 and critique. I’ve been doing these for a few days now and it’s tough.
I’ve noticed when I start this exercise, my first couple of gestures are bad lol. I’m gonna continue doing these. Any feedback is welcome :)

These lessons gave me a lot. The ebook, demos, and critiques were all so useful. Before taking the basic drawing course, I studied gestures from Figure Drawing Fundamentals, but now I understand it much better and feel more confident. Thank you so much for these lessons, and I can't wait to start the new topic about perspective!
Janou Baarda
Amazing work!
Alex Jin
I think you do a great job of keeping your gesture drawing clean and truly gestural. I catch myself adding/starting with too much detail. While I think I eventually get to an accurate weight and feel in my poses, I like how you can usually tell with your line variety which lines are the intended rhythm lines in each pose very simply. Its a better foundation to be able to push the pose.
Chauncey Holder
After Applying what I learned, it really help I understand it a bit more of catching rhythms. I struggled a lot
Chauncey Holder
Some more I did

drawings done based on the examples in the demo trying to make sure the flow is able to go from limb to limb.

Jack H
Did another set of 10 drawings. This one was a mixed bag. Some drawings looked good, such as 4 or the hand on 10. But others were simply lacking, such as 1. I still have a long way to go before I'm able to be satisfied with the majority of the drawings I put down, but for now, it's fun to have the little moments where I try and land on a shape that I quite like, like the pointing hand in 10.
Zander Schmer-Lalama
After watching the rhythm critique I think I have a bit of understanding, but I still need some help. The center line for some pose is hard for me to either jot down or I’m sure how to put down. I also can help but feel like the poses I did(sorry I tried to download the reference photos but they will not for some reason) feel stiff and not alive. I really need someone’s help on this. @Proko anyone on the team I’d appreciate your help! This is some I really want/need to improve upon.

Some attempts today after having watched the demos and critiques yesterday, took me around an hour and a half for these. I think my first attempts before watching were a little too focused on the literal lines and with making things make sense in my own head, with these I just tried to be quicker, and more focused on the "flow," of things in a more general sense. I think as a result they look sloppier, but also a bit more dynamic? Hard to say. There are definitely some parts I find consistently difficult, like putting in the deltoid in a way that doesn't make things feel segmented like lego people.
Stefan Sharkov
My third attempt drawing the 24 poses after watching the demo, critique, and reading the e-book. All of the poses were drawn in ~7 minutes for a combined total of around 3 hours. I felt more confident in my rhythms the further I progressed, and I am happy with these results. I will definitely incorporate this exercise into my practices. Critiques would be appreciated.
These are super nice gestures!

May Berry
After the critique. Will eventually get around to enrolling in the figure drawing course.
Stefan Sharkov
You're doing a good job in finding the rhythms between body parts. I'd suggest exaggerating some of those rhythms. Some of your drawings are looking a little stiff, like #19. Just keep that exaggeration in mind next time, and your rhythms will look way more dynamic.
Zach Pipher
Thank you Stan for answering my question. I took a short break to finish up my degree and I am very grateful and surprised to see that I made it into your video. Your explanation makes total sense and I was having some frustrations with trying to understand the concept about being "flow-y and also keeping proportions correct, my mind was having trouble comprehending how those could both exist at the same time and the critique have given me confidence to attempt the lesson now and catch back up to where we're at in the course. I have enjoyed the course so far and I hope to be able to continue to appreciate my time as a student.
loes roos
I have been practicing. Started with the warming ups while watching, then did a whole bunch of drawings from the ebook (Great book!) and then did several poses twice... or more. 3 to 4 minutes. Used the overhand mostly... Did also 30 minute session on 2 minutes for the naked models in live action but found it was too fast. I am way out of shape. Will have to redo that with 5 minutes and post later. But probably need to screenshot the models to compare better later.
Stefan Sharkov
These are great studies. I think I'll try your process, it sounds very substantial. My advice would be to keep an eye out for not drawing over the same rhythm more than once. Some of your sketches are becoming cluttered by too many attempts at capturing the rhythm. This is some strong work, keep it up.
loes roos
For anyone wanting to do more practice: There is a great website called and you can choose your time of figure study and it will give you poses of either equal times (your choice and can be 5 min) or of class mode with 30 seconds warm ups, to 1 minute working up to the 10 minute pose... You can fill in quite a bit on the type of model (female, male or random) and the time for your class can be from 30 minutes to 6 hours!!!
Never gets boring!
loes roos
Now proko has its own timing tool... I like it.

thanks a lot!
loes roos
Because I was doing Inktober very intensively, I am a bit behind in this course. I decided to do a binge watch the two demos and the critiques and warm up with drawing along a few, but look forward to doing this week loads of rhythms in the poses...
I started figure drawing when I was 18, and my teacher forced me to do 1 or 2 minutes with a 10 inch brush of black paint (on A2 paper) (30 years ago) so I would forget to focus on the details.... I would draw people on the market in Mozambique... but certainly not weekly. With some friends here in Panama, about 12 years ago, we had a model that was pregnant, weekly for 7 months.. those were a lot of drawings but I did not keep it up. Let me see, so I am a bit scared!
Let me see that after doing the exercises I am going to look up those old sketches of the pregnant lady and see how I have progressed.
I do not think I ever realized so well what rhythms and gesture was about! Thanks for the lessons so far. Now it is drawing time! By the weekend I hope to post my results.
And I do not agree that digital should be as fast as normal drawing... I struggle in digital due to the smaller size of my ipad... and on the computer because I am drawing on a flat wacom tablat and seeing the screen... And I do not have the digital miles yet.... I do have pencil miles, although fewer with the overhand.
Hey stan sorry for being a demanding student in different courses, will you talk about how to draw sphere in perspective in the next session? coz i m trying to draw the head in perspective and it aint working... i guess my sphere is wrong and check some online resource but they seem to be too technical
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.