Melanie Scearce
Melanie Scearce
Activity Feed
I'll be honest I'm not really sure I did this project properly but I really struggled to find artists that had pieces I was excited to draw that had interesting lines. And I feel like I chose two artists that don't really have a style that aligns with what we've been taught so far as the lines tend to be deliberately squiggly. But it wasn't a total bust - I did try sketching with coloured pencils like Nico Marlet which I found I quite liked. I'm also not sure if it was allowed but I think I would have preferred studying artists that post fanart rather than industry recognised artists? It's inktober so there's lots of cool stuff but I wasn't sure if that would be considered a master study? But I've definitely been doing a lot of that for my own sketches and I've enjoyed it! But long story short, I'm glad this assignment is done.
Melanie Scearce
I think it's totally beneficial to study anyone whose art you admire. There's a lot to glean from anyone who has put a ton of hours into learning how to draw, even if they aren't a "professional." Nice studies :)
Asked for help
Hey guys! Here is my attempt: I found this exercise really difficult!
Melanie Scearce
It's a good thing that you found it difficult, that means you're learning :) These rhythms look awesome, you nailed it. Theres a few anatomical mistakes, so make sure you are reading up on your anatomy while you practice the more gestural stuff. The anatomy takes a backseat to the gesture in this exercise, so don't sweat it. Keep it up!
Melanie Scearce
This is so nice, @timwf! You have great control of the medium for this being your first charcoal drawing. To address your question about value -- I think your values look great here. The shadow on his shoulder is the darkest dark, so it draws you away from his face a bit due to the contrast. Not sure if you are done with this drawing, but in general I like to lay in my values with charcoal throughout the entire drawing. It makes it easier for me to make adjustments before getting too deep in the weeds/tertiary details.
Noah M
Hello, I had allot of fun with the hand reference so I drew some more hands. I tried looking for rhythms and tried simplifying my lines as much as possible. Always happy to get some critique.
Melanie Scearce
Super stylish, nice work!
Melanie Scearce
These look very nice! You're on the right track. One thing you could do to elevate these drawings is to focus on being a bit more deliberate with your strokes. It's good to use searching lines to find the right angles and curves, but using too many or without being careful can interfere with the readability of your lines, which I think happens a bit in the area around the bootlaces. In general it seems that you have a good grasp on the concept of simplification, so just a minor critique. Nice work :)
Melanie Scearce
Not a critique per se, because these are really beautiful. I find that the more anatomy I study and quick (10 seconds - 1 minute) gesture drawings I do, the easier drawing from life becomes. Especially public drawings. I can get a more dynamic pose the better I understand the structure of the human body. Mostly wanted to say that these are awesome! Keep it up 👍
Jakub Ziomek
Thank you :) Got some motivation to keep drawing!
Gara María Carrillo Alonso
Hi! I chose an owl because its my favourite animal and I thought it would be fun to draw. In the first photo, I forgot to save some references, I also feel that the sketches are quite poor. I let time pass and today I returned to the activity, got some more references and repeated everything. I feel like I have understood the structure of the owl better now. In the third photo, there are the sketches made from imagination. I think they are quite adorable and fluffy! Fat owls are super fun to draw!
Melanie Scearce
I think taking a break is a great way to process what you've learned and reset. I really love your owls from imagination, so cute! Keep it up 👍
Hey, everyone! This is my first official post to the discussion board and I am very excited to be here :D I just completed the first project with the pears and had a lot of fun with this attempt. It was also quite humbling. First of all, I have a little bit of trouble sometimes determining where to start with the shading exactly, as in should I begin with the darks to establish them or focus on the lights first and build it up. As I continue on, I aim to get more comfortable with decisions like that. Another thing is that I used quite a thin mechanical pencil, as it was the first thing I grabbed and had on hand so I think that it affected my shading quality a smidge. Other than that, I'm pretty impressed with my first attempt at these little goobers. Any and all critiques are appreciated as I am trying to improve my art! Also, does anyone have advice about avoiding smudges from the pencil in your sketchbook?
Melanie Scearce
I made this tutorial to show how I would approach this exercise -- I like to start with the darks first. I find it easier to add in the lighter values with the two darkest values as an anchor. You can lightly map out the value shapes before you start shading and go from there. In terms of the smudging, if you're working with multiple drawings on the same page, you could use another sheet of paper to rest your hand on to make sure that your palm isn't smudging any of the graphite. Happy to hear that you had fun with this exercise! Remember to keep it simple and be very conscious about how you design your value shapes.
Art Stark
Asked for help
Poses 1, 2, & 3.
Melanie Scearce
Really beautiful rhythms @Art Stark! The ankle and arm on pose 2 look a bit skinny but overall these are very dynamic. I like how the two poses on the second page overlap.
Tried to understand more about how to quickly put some placeholders but take me 3 hours to end the measures.
Melanie Scearce
Don't worry too much about how long it takes you -- speed with come with practice. You did a nice job filling in the details and it looks like you followed the simple to complex process. Really focus on the angles of the landmarks like the angle between the eyes, and the angle between the eye and the top of the ear. Finding those angles will be very useful to you in determining the placement of the nose, mouth, and overall angle of the face. Overlaying your drawing over the reference image shows that the angle between the eyes is a bit off, which give the effect of the face tilting in the opposite direction. Hope that helps :)
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