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added comment inProject - Measure Proportions
Asked for help
I think i messed up. Proportions were always hard for me and i don't think i did so well with this project. Would be really happy to hear some critique.
I think your vertical proportions look pretty good! You just need to figure out the best way for you to measure your horizontal proportions.
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I think i didn't use enough shapes... But was pretty easy and i had fun drawing!
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Was a really hard project for me. Didn't want to start because i knew i was gonna struggle a lot because of perfectionism. And i did in fact struggle. Deleted 2 drawings in the process because how unsatisfied i was from the result. And generally took so much time with drawings because was concentrating on things that don't matter, the things i haven't learned yet.
Still came up with something. Any critique will be appreciated.
I think you really captured the feel of the drawing and the style of the lines of the original! If I had to pick one thing to critique, I would say that I think the outline of nose in the original is a little heavier and makes it feel like a more prominent feature. Nice work :)
Asked for help
Wanted to use my own references that i found on internet. Struggled with cats head a lot and it still kind of looks weird? Would really like to hear some criticism.