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Tommy Pinedo
added comment inDemo - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 1
The First image on the left is following along stan as I watch the demo. I noticed I learn better by watching first than rewatching it again and following stan as this gives me an idea of his thinking process.
the 2nd image from the left is my warm up and two thumbnails that allowed me to play with an idea. Thumbnails do help a lot!
the 3rd image from the left is my first part of this assignment. I only used ruler for the boarders, the horizon lines and the 1 point perspective lines, everything else was without ruler.
the last image which is my first attempt done. It is a UFO abduction using my favorite warm up, mushrooms! lol. I used the circumference technique I learned from @Melanie Scearce for the UFOs since their circles or ellipses.
Will watch critique next..
looks so good! Poor mushroom guys..
hello! This project was SO hard for me. I have tried to do this for a while, been not liking the result and everything i drew seemed so wrong to me. i watched critique video, tried again and still all my drawings seemed so stiff? I've been stuck on this project for 2 months now had art block because been not happy with my drawings. I'm so lost but still i really don't want to be stuck on this project for more time then i already had been. I drew this pose just to ask for help. Please guide me i would really like to know what i can work on more, if i'm going in right direction. Will be really thankful for the help!
Honestly, I think it looks quite good! I sense a unique style to it and I feel the gesture flow. What I like to do is if I feel like I’ve been doing the exercise for a while, I’ll move on to the next lesson and come back to gesture maybe days or weeks later.
for example, I’m doing gesture right now and I went back to do the “learn how to sketch” video again and I notice my sketching lines doing that exercise improved. I had the post demo attempt a month ago and compared it to now and I saw improvement. I hope that made sense and helped!
Asked for help
I think i messed up. Proportions were always hard for me and i don't think i did so well with this project. Would be really happy to hear some critique.
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I think i didn't use enough shapes... But was pretty easy and i had fun drawing!
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Was a really hard project for me. Didn't want to start because i knew i was gonna struggle a lot because of perfectionism. And i did in fact struggle. Deleted 2 drawings in the process because how unsatisfied i was from the result. And generally took so much time with drawings because was concentrating on things that don't matter, the things i haven't learned yet.
Still came up with something. Any critique will be appreciated.
I think you really captured the feel of the drawing and the style of the lines of the original! If I had to pick one thing to critique, I would say that I think the outline of nose in the original is a little heavier and makes it feel like a more prominent feature. Nice work :)